102- Staying Content

102- Staying Content

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This episode is about being content and knowing why we do what we do. In business, we can get pushed by outside influences to do things we may not want to. Staying grounded and aligned with our business mission and purpose takes practice, but will help us feel content in our business and personal life. Natasha answers, “How do I refresh my business?”

Topics on this episode:

  • Staying grounded in business

  • Staying content

  • Some updates about Facebook ads and content filters

  • Natasha O’Banion Ask a Pet Biz Coach

Main take away? Stop giving control of your business away to others, and keep it aligned with your values.


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Read the full transcript here

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business, clients, grow, people, run, hire, pet, pet sitters, mindset, content, small town, anonymous, facebook, attitudes, growth, add, confessional, scale, family, feel


Meghan, Collin, Natasha

Meghan  00:17

I'm calling and I'm Megan. And this is pet sitter confessional, and open and honest discussion about life as a pet sitter. Hello, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us today. Hi, we hope you have had a good weekend and have a great start to the week so far. We would like to thank our sponsor, pet sitters associates and our Patreon, jack and Jennifer,



thank you so much for your support.


Meghan  00:45

If you would like to learn more about what a Patreon is and becoming one you can visit our website pet sitter confessional comm slash support today's episode really comes about because we have interviewed you call and I've interviewed so many people from all over the pet care industry, some are really well known experts in the field and others are just starting on their journey. Or maybe they've been in the business for many years, but live in a small town or just aren't very well known, but are very successful in their businesses. And I wanted to talk about that there is this pressure in the pet care industry to grow and to grow big, to scale your business to to make more to do more, just more and more and more to continue to push yourself further, push your business further go forward. And just like I said, grow?


Collin  01:39

Absolutely. It really does feel like there's this mentality that if you aren't growing if you're not reaching six, seven figures in business that you are not successful, and that is patently false. That comes from a toxic mindset about what success what winning is. You need, we all need to come to understand what we want our businesses to look like that just because we are, quote unquote, only doing it ourselves or only have one walker or two walkers doesn't mean that we are not successful. This comes from this lack of content about ourselves and from comparing ourselves to other in a very unhealthy and unhelpful way.


Meghan  02:32

Right? Because the point here is, what if you don't want to be doing more? What if you don't want to grow your business to six figure seven figures


Collin  02:42

but you have everyone around you saying you have to you have to Why aren't you doing this? What are you doing wrong? And we always need to take a step back and reassess what we actually want out of our business. Do we want to do that? You said you said that I know. But really let that sit with us. What do we want our business to be and stop giving control of our business to people around us, to our clients, to friends, to family to other business owners and remember, it's our business


Meghan  03:13

and then also what if you never want to hire? A lot of the experts are pushing hiring and so you can grow your business and do more. And what if you just don't want to, like I know someone that you've interviewed, just doesn't is okay with just being a solopreneur and doesn't want to hire anybody ever. And I think that's perfectly fine. Like we Yeah, we work together and we don't really have an interest in hiring somebody and maybe we will in the future, but we haven't so far and right now we, we don't really want to either, so it's okay to be a solopreneur. For that your career and Petcare. If you don't want to grow you don't have to


Collin  03:57

write again, not letting other people can Your business or tell you what you should be doing. What we should all want, in the end is to have a business that supports us that allows us to make a living, period, end of story. How you define what your what you need to live what you need to, to feed your family to pay your bills, that is completely separated from everybody else's goals, dreams and mindset.


Meghan  04:30

Right? Because also, what if you live in a very small town? Right? Like, we live in a very small town in Missouri and there, the whole Midwest is riddled with very small towns and what if you live there, you don't want to be traveling 30 miles one way just to see a client, you might have to be content with that you're only going to grow so much,


Collin  04:50

right? And there's no amount of Instagram hashtag following or engagement or marketing or next level kind of thinking that you Be able to do to get in more clients when there just aren't that many around. That's what your business is going to be. And I want to say that that is amazing that is just great that you are able to run a profitable business that earns you a living, where you live. That's awesome. And then being able to do that, day after day, year after year for the long run, is really, I think, one of the most spectacular things. If you want to grow your business charge zero dollars, you will get literally all of the clients now, we recommend that you would not that's not recommended. What balance works for you, and what level of growth what level of sustained business are you able to keep up are you able to do knowing this but this this is this is a hard conversation because it gets to trying to understand what our limits are looking into our cells and going, what can I handle? The world tells me I should be able to handle hiring 30 walkers and expanding areas across my state and expanding into all sorts of places and growing, growing, growing, growing, growing. But I think I can handle that. Maybe, maybe All I want is to, to see 50 clients, and that be it. Not that date. Not that be it, but that's just great. That's just fine. There's nothing wrong with that. And so getting caught up in this rat race of, I've got to do better. I've got to do more if I'm not doing more, I'm not successful. Trying to prove ourselves to others is not the business that we're in. We're in the business of taking care of dogs and doing an amazing job at it. Period. End of story.


Meghan  06:49

Yeah. And you touched on the Instagram thing there. A lot of people are saying you need to have a ton of followers and you need on Facebook, on Instagram. You need to be on all the platforms and have tons of people. But it really if you're in a small town, it really doesn't make sense. And probably not going to happen for a small town petsitter to have 8000 followers on Instagram or whatever if your town is the size of 5000 or whatever like you're like it, because you also those those followers, you want to be your clients or your potential clients within your local area. You don't want somebody from Bangladesh, following you on Instagram because there's no way that you're going to walk their dog


Collin  07:31

right. Now I know some of that does change as we start offering different services, whether that's virtual services or whether that is shipping goods. So some of that does change but at the core, staying local being hyperlocal hyper plugged in and immersed in the community. There's nothing better than that. And again, this is realizing our own limits, our own limits of the community that we live in, what capacity Is there for growth? And really it stopped stop focusing on growth and look at sustainability. It's this different mindset of, of how can I make this sustain me for 3040 years?


Meghan  08:13

If that's what you want?


Collin  08:14

If that's what you want? Yeah, we can grow as fast as we can, again, set your prices to zero, have fun growing. Now, what's sustainable? What do you want out of your business?


Meghan  08:24

And if COVID has taught us anything, it's to look internally and see what we want. A lot of people were burned out January and February. We don't want to do that anymore. We want to be able to say no to the clients that we don't want and yes to the clients that we do want. We are we were fed up. We are fed up with being burned out. We don't want to go back to those ways.


Collin  08:44

So just to clarify, to make sure that you're not hearing what we're not saying. We're not saying that wanting to grow is bad. We're not saying that wanting to not grow is better. What we are saying is it's your business and stop letting other people tell you how To run it, absolutely, you need to have that power, you need to have that control. And whatever systems support protocols, you need to get in place to do that, do it. Because when other people are running your business, that's like, why even have the business at that point. And sometimes those that control can leak out because just over time, we could become lacks or we start capitulating to others, whether that's clients or whether that's to part owners, whether that's to family members, whether that's to employees, and remembering that if people are telling you things to do things that you don't want to do, you don't have to do them. And if you need to hear if you need to be given permission for that, you have our permission to say no to things that you don't want to do. And so as we're talking about being content in our business, how would you say to become more content and what does contentment mean? And how can we foster that as a mindset?


Meghan  10:02

Well, I think that's gonna look different for everybody. We are content with Justine, the two of us running our business, we are content with where we live right now in a small town versus moving to a larger city where we could easily get a lot more clients


Collin  10:17

being content is understanding what your goals, objectives, what your values are, where we live live, for us, we live, where we live currently allows us to do things with our family raised our family the way we want to, and to run our business the way we want to, we just we value that we wouldn't want anything different right now. And so, if you haven't taken that time to reassess your goals, your dreams, your hopes, aspirations, and really look at what you you personally, value. Now's a great time to do that. Great time to start. contentment comes when we become detached from what grounds us and we float all over. So what grounds you What holds you steady? When things get crazy? What do you always return back to, in when you start thinking about what you want in life and run your business to meet that. So for us, it's family. First and foremost, we structure our business such that our family comes first. And that means not taking on 400 new clients a year.


Meghan  11:29

Well, and not doing tons of houses, tons of drop in tons of dog walks, things that take us out of the house away from our kids. We want to do boardings and daycares right now, because our kids are young, and we want to stay home with them and do things and go to the parks with them and, and just have fun with them.


Collin  11:45

Right? And so because we know that that's one of our values, we make decisions around that that keeps us grounded in our decisions both personally and in our business.


Meghan  11:55

Before we continue, we would like to do a shout out to our sponsor pet sitters associate As pet care professionals, your clients trust you to care for their furry family members, pet sitters associates is here to help. For over 20 years they have provided thousands of members with quality pet care insurance. If you work in the pet care industry or if you want to make your passion for pets into a profession, you can take your career to the next level with flexible coverage options, client connections and complete freedom and running your business. Learn why pet sitters associates is the perfect fit for you and get a free quote today at pet said llc.com. You can get a discount when joining by clicking membership pet sitter confessional and use the discount code confessional at checkout to get $10 off today. Check out the benefits of membership and insurance once again at petsfit llc.com. Well, when we're talking about this growing we also need to talk about healthy boundaries before you grow. Because you don't want to be so focused on growing and the growth of your business that you wind up being all about the money but with no self hair in place. So if you grow too big, but you don't have any healthy boundaries, no personal freedom, no way to really pull yourself back, that's not good.


Collin  13:09

Right? Instead, at the very beginning at the very foundation, right? Whenever you quote unquote, only have five clients, you need to be asking, we need to be asking ourselves, do I have healthy boundaries with them? Can I scale the boundaries that I have with them, if I went from five to 50 to 500, start at the very beginning, setting up good boundaries start small so it's easier to manage, so that as you grow, you don't have to worry about the boundaries because it's just part of who you are and what your business is. And if you choose if you want to end up growing, you can do that much more organically, you know, in a much healthier way, and and know that you're taken care of,


Meghan  13:53

right? This is your business. This is our business. And we started this business and a lot of people started their businesses by taking care of pets to take care of the pets. But now that it's your business, and your business can and should be taking care of you that so my business is not being taken care of and run by others, it's run by me It's run by you. So I have to control I have to take control over my business. And if my business isn't taking care of my needs, that's not okay. That's bad. So if you need to, if I need to serve less clients to meet my needs of a healthy, less toxic environment, then I need to do that.


Collin  14:36

But some people will say, just hire a manager or hire the dog walker.


Meghan  14:43

Well, unless you don't want to hire. Hiring is not just as simple as saying, sweet now someone else can do all the work. I can offload everything to them know now you have to manage another person you have to manage that person. their problems are Your problems when they are sick, you take over, when they are hurt you fell in,


Collin  15:06

unless you build in multiple layers between you and the field staff and you have the administration. But then again, you, you need to make sure that you're content with hiring and working at that level and growing big and an rk with looking at just the big picture of being the visionary of the company instead of being involved in the work. And, again, we need to make sure that we're stating here don't hear what we're not saying. We're not saying that growing big with multiple layers and doing the visionary works, the company is a bad thing. We're just saying, take a step back and make sure that that's what you want to be doing for your business.


Meghan  15:45

Right? If you're content with one client, if you're content with 1000 clients, it's whatever you want to meet your values, your needs, your goals. And if you lose that you kind of become ungrounded like you were saying and flit after every little thing that comes by, we chase after these marginal gains to try and take us to the next level,


Collin  16:07

whatever that is, which is why it's really good to have a vision statement, a mission statement for your company. This is so that it just as much as it is to tell other people what your business about, it's to remind you, each and every time you have to make a decision so that you can say, if it doesn't align with my priorities, my goals, then we aren't going to do that. Because that's not what our business is about it each step trying to understand does this decision get me closer to fulfilling this statement? Or get me further away from it?


Meghan  16:42

Also, those statements can change as your business changes as the markets change as the industry as a whole changes. Right, right. You may have redone your vision statement over COVID


Collin  16:53

right. It should change that should be part of a natural process. It's it's just important to know What you want your business to stand for and what you personally want to stand for and what you want out of your business, we're using a lot of you and self and that thing, that's okay. It's not selfish, to talk in those kind of terms and to want something more out of our business. So if you want weekends off, that's going to look very different than someone who is willing to work seven days a week, the business structure will look different, and that's okay.


Meghan  17:29

So think about where that comes from mentally if you want weekends off, or whatever your example is, do you feel like you have to do that solely because that's the only way that you feel you can make enough money? Or because there's that that same idle hands are the devil's work or


Collin  17:45

whatever, whatever,


Meghan  17:46

whatever that is, or is it because you feel like you have to be constantly doing something because of the standards that were set by your parents or experts in the business that, you know, a lot of people say if you aren't growing, then you're dying? Right? look at why you have the attitudes that you do,


Collin  18:02

right? This mindset, this is this is what we're talking about. We're talking about this mindset work of if you want to grow, okay, ask yourself, why why do I want to grow? Why do I feel the need to grow? Again? I don't hear we're not saying we're not saying that growing is bad. We're just saying understand why it could be the the inverse of that. Why do you not want to grow? Where is that coming from? It's it's not good, bad, indifferent. All mindset work is, is being introspective and trying to understand why we feel the way we feel taking control of our actions and attitudes away from the outside world and bringing them back internal into ourselves, housing them there. You know, it could be Why are my attitudes around charging more so visceral? Why do we get so uppity about that? Why does it make me feel so anxious? Well, we've mentioned this a couple times, it could be you're afraid of losing clients of of losing that money. Maybe you had an unhealthy relationship with finances growing up or had bad experiences around talking about money or discussing those kind of things. All of that plays into why we react the way we do,


Meghan  19:12

you may get to the bottom of that well and go, I'm perfectly fine with everything I've learned about myself. And that's okay, great, then you understand why you are the way you are. And that's good. We aren't saying every time you do mindset work, you'll only find bad thing. It's good and bad things, strengths and weaknesses. So that when you go to make decisions, you can make the best decisions and really understand who you are. It seems obvious, but self care is taking care of yourself. So who are you? What do you need? If you aren't introspective, then you could be caring for the wrong person. If you don't know who you are. It goes the same way for your business. If your business is set up for someone who you think you are, and you aren't that person, then you'll never be able to care for that person. And in yourself or in your business,


Collin  20:02

but you'll never be content because what we're talking about here is we're talking about aligning our personality, the way we are our thoughts, our attitudes with our business so that they're in harmony so that our business can actually help us and we can help our business. It's when they're out of alignment and in discordance, that when things get out of balance, that you feel like you're not a good fit that something's wrong. We've all had that feeling of, I can't put my finger on it. something's not working here. This is a sign that we are becoming disconnected. We're not grounded anymore. We tend to think that that point, it's the business's fault. Let's set up something wrong. I need to find that next marginal gain to get the next level kind of mentality. But is it actually ourselves? Are we getting in the way have we wandered too far from our core values?


Meghan  20:55

Run run the business that you want. Yeah, not that someone else tells you to run?


Collin  20:59

Yeah. Part of that, again, as you said, Megan is, knowing who you are, and what your personality is. And then make sure it's aligned with your business. Make your business aligned with who you are. It's a hard process, but it doesn't have to be. You can take small simple steps and start somewhere, just start thinking about what you want in your life.


Meghan  21:20

So for us, it's family. That is a huge component of our life. The ability to be available to our kids is great. So now from that, how do we run our business? Well, we don't do a ton of drop ins and overnights we primarily focus on daycare and boarding we run a home based business. So when we say that we are saying no to a whole lot of things. Yeah, we mostly do a whole lot of growth, right? We don't own a facility. We are just in our home. So when we turn people away, we don't also say oh, I'll do drop ins while you are away on vacation. Because we know what that means. We live that For years, and when we say no, it's no,


Collin  22:03

right. We also don't want to be hiring people right now. Because we don't want to manage them. That's not something else we want on our plate, we are perfectly happy with being able to provide in our home based care, boarding and daycare for the dogs that come to us so that we can be together as a family spend that time and know that we're providing a quality service.


Meghan  22:28

So it's all about weighing the scales. So family time is heavy for us. And it takes a lot for us to shift the scales in the other direction, whether that's money or for the client. But we're constantly weighing those scales, right? We recognize the loss of saying no, but we also recognize the value that we've just added. We've said more family time, that's what we want,


Collin  22:53

right? And this is going to look different for everybody and that's okay because again, this is about you Having your contentment with your business. That's what this whole thing has been, has been about. So start judging the cost versus the worth on the back end. So when you say no to something, remember, I know we've talked about this a lot. But would you say no to something? You're saying yes to something else. Your ability to make that decision is firmly based in grounded in what you value. If you value travel, you're going to say no to a lot of things as well.


Meghan  23:30

Probably a lot of boarding and daycare.


Collin  23:33

Yeah, yeah. Some people may say that, well, you could own a facility. But


Meghan  23:38

do you want to be doing that?


Collin  23:40

Again, it's getting back to those core values, those core principles that you hold, dear. So the next time somebody says Why aren't you growing more? Why haven't you done this? Why haven't you done that? Remember, the answer comes down to what you value and what you want out of your business and That's okay, let nobody tell you how you should be running it standing your business because it's yours and have confidence in that, especially when it's aligned with what you want out of it. And that's wonderful. That could be fewer things could be more wonderful than having a business that you can stand proud in because it aligns with your values, and it meets your needs.


Meghan  24:22

We also wanted to talk about something that's kind of been in the news last week, Facebook rolled out their new terms of service that are going to be as of October 1, and they basically said that they're going to censor you if they think that your content will create a lawsuit for them.


Collin  24:38

Right. So if they deem content posted would would be viewed negatively negatively towards Facebook in any way or go against any of their terms of service and conditions? They can remove it and they don't really have to tell you why.


Meghan  24:52

Well and they can do this because they are a private company. They are not a publicly traded company. So they can still say this. These are our rules. And if you want to use our platform, you have to abide by them, right? Whether you like it or not, you can't change it. This is the way it is.


Collin  25:06

Right. So this is more of an incentive to make sure that your clients, your customers are not solely reliant on Facebook that you have have an email list, have an email list, have your face have your website up to snuff, and and sharing content. They're going hand in hand to this actually, Megan, you bring this up. It does have to do with Facebook, but it also has to do with the new operating system for iPhones. So iOS 14 is coming out this fall. And they is a release that's really focused on privacy. And so one of the things that iOS 14 can do is well, that it does is it requires apps to ask the user to collect information. And if the user says no, this user is now anonymous within that app, how in the world does this relate? To petsitting businesses, well, if you've ever run a targeted ad on Facebook or Instagram and selected the demographic and location and interests and all that kind of stuff,


Meghan  26:10

and most of us have done this, that's what the experts say that I can get new clients, and it's sometimes it does work,


Collin  26:16

this will become less and less effective. The more people activate this option on iOS 14,


Meghan  26:23

yeah, because you were telling me earlier that they're if they mark themselves as anonymous, they're just going to be 0000. Like, you're not going to know their location, their age, their gender, none of that, right, you're not going to be able to target I want, you know, a 47 year old female in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, or wherever your service area is that you're trying to target. They're just going to be anonymous. So you're not going to necessarily be able to target that specific person,


Collin  26:51

right. I mean, Facebook knows all this, the all these things about you because it's able to track you as you go from app to app as you go from Add to add as you go from website to website after you visited Facebook, they're able to track you because of that if you activate this, you become anonymous, which is what I think a lot of us like we don't like being trapped or followed. However,


Meghan  27:12

this is not good as a business many


Collin  27:13

of us require many of us use this to target people. So be aware that the effectiveness of a lot of these ads may start to go down as this becomes more and more popular. So if you've been reliant on this, this is just a word of caution to start looking at other forms of marketing, digging into your local community sitting out you know getting getting old fashioned here, sending out flyers, going door to door business cards, business cards, making those kind of connections and really, in really going into things that are a little bit more physical, a little bit more sticky. hang around for a little while. Just because this kind of targeted advertising on the social networks is going to be Gump is going to be impacted for sure Facebook will have links to a couple articles about this in the show notes that about the impact that this is going to have on targeted ad revenue in Facebook.


Meghan  28:05

Well, and once again, this is only applying to iOS systems, not Android


Collin  28:09

only iOS systems, not Android. So I know that market share isn't it is not evenly split. But it is a good chunk of the market that's going to be that can be impacted by this if they choose to activate to be anonymous. And now here's Natasha with this week's Ask a pet biz coach segment. How do I revitalize my business? Should I start working on me first?


Natasha  28:32

So great question. How do I revitalize my business? And should I work on me first, it's always good to take a self reflection. It doesn't matter if you're rockin a pure six figure business. You're a million dollar business or a billion dollar business. You always want to continue growth and you want to keep revolving and stay relevant. So if you ever get into a phase or you're like okay, cool in a pandemic, or hire a new employee or add a new service, or add a new feature you should always continue to think about the future and future growth. I always say like, take do your morning tea. It's like one of my mindful morning routines. If you don't have a mindful morning routine, get one. But what I do is I wake up, I do not look at my cell phone, I drink my tea, walk your dog, if that makes you feel relaxed, and just think about what you genuinely want for yourself, your family and your business. And once you can become really clear, you can then put a business plan that's very clear and then you can execute it to a team that's very clear. So revitalizing your business is a good thing. I really literally just did a whole new face brand and I love my business. I love we stand for I loved our colors. But I said you know what? I think I want to start doing accessories. Now we're doing pretty good a dog walking. I want to take this online. So I was like, you know what I think my old braining is very dog walker ish. Like it's walk with Brenda and really all about Walk, walk, walk, which I love at that time. But now I want to start adding like more of a luxury touch. I want to add more like harnesses and leashes and bow ties. So what am I going to do next? So I hired someone to do a complete rebrand and most people would say you're crazy for doing a rebrand, right? But I kept the name the same. It's just Brenda Ruby, we shortened it, and it's just a spin off to now add accessories. So if you're in a funk or slum or like of love your business, you know it's getting repetitive. That's a good thing. That is an area of mood of feeling. That means it's time to grow. It's time to explore. It's time to educate yourself. You know, do some continued education online or such will start to add more features that make you excited and get your team involved. See, hey, what do you guys think about our company? What do you think about what we should add or where we should go? They trust me. I've already had a game plan for you. It is hilarious how our employees have visions for us also ask them say, Hey, where do you guys vision this company going? Oh my god, they'll be so happy to talk to you about it and say, yeah, I think you guys should. I think, you know, I had a social media girl who was our Walker. And she's like, you know what? It's cool. looks cute. But I think you should make it look a little cleaner. I said, What does that mean? He's I don't know, like, what's the more clean lines and change the font, I think the font needs updating. And I loved it was such great feedback that I was able to grow and clients are probably thinking the same thing. So if you're thinking about making changes, reach within reach within your team in your community, and go for it, give a give a refresh. It's like I feel like I'm dating a new business now that I have this new branding and this new vision. It's fun. It's my next five years. I'm looking forward to that slump and that like book just means growth. It's like, Okay, I'm feeling like this is super repetitive and I felt like that in the dog walking business pretty early on. Like, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna think Get out every day, do a post walk, when I'm back, I'm gonna walk the same clients a route, you know, I would try like intentionally to change my route up to change my direction of give him anything. Because that was also good information for clients. I'm like, Oh, we did a new route today Oh, I tried to switch it up a little bit, I'm teaching them something else. So that's just like, you know, in the field, but even in your business online, there's so many other avenues and I'm meeting so many different people who are doing different, you know, strategies. I'm like, oh, tell me what you're doing. Oh, that sounds fun. I think I should add that to it. Tell me more, you know, reach out to people, because that's how you really start to grow and collaborate. And that's what I think you're asking the question a couple weeks ago, you know, if you're a solo business, how do you make yourself more diverse? Or how do you add more and make yourself seem bigger your collaboration, your collaborations, you're adding those on your social media on your pages, and you're like, where would this person were with that person and next thing, you know, you're actually got a pretty rounded business. So there's so much There's so many ways to kind of give you a little review.


Meghan  33:08

If you would like Natasha to be your personal pet business coach, you can go to her website, start scale sale calm and use the code PSC 20 for 15% off any of her coaching.


Collin  33:19

And I do want to go ahead and give a little teaser here coming up in October, there's going to be a really, really fun summit that we're working with Natasha on called the game changers summit. It's a group of 15 speakers coming all together, it's totally free, October 7, eighth and ninth, it's a group of peers, mentors and influencers. And I don't know what bucket we fall into that but Megan, I will actually be speaking at this as well about marketing and about podcasting and some other interesting stuff too. So get that on your calendars. Be on the lookout for ways to subscribe, and we can't wait to see you all there.


Meghan  33:54

Thank you again to our sponsor, pet sitters associates and we thank you so much for listening. taking the time out of your day to enjoy our episode and if you wouldn't mind clicking subscribe and leaving us a review we would really appreciate that.

103- Pet Sitter Self Care with Nicole Ryan

103- Pet Sitter Self Care with Nicole Ryan

101 - Elise Proctor with Canine Company

101 - Elise Proctor with Canine Company