All tagged confessional

488: Networking with Purpose

Ever wondered how to effectively network and forge meaningful connections within the industry? We share the importance of setting clear goals and aligning expectations in your networking endeavors. We consider the four main reasons for connecting with industry peers. When connecting, it's crucial to freely share information while respecting boundaries, and also understand the nuances between formal and informal referral networks. Ultimately, we offer practical advice for cultivating meaningful connections and robust support networks to navigate the challenges of the industry.

486: Living Up to Your Own Standards

Can you meet the promises you make to your clients? Our goal should be to truly embody values like professionalism, dependability, and transparency. Whatever you promise your clients, these should not merely be marketing terms but actual practices, supported by robust systems. There can be significant repercussions if we fail to meet the standards we set for ourselves, and we should be prepared to defend our practices when clients hold us accountable. Ultimately, we should strive to align our practices with our core values and maintain consistency in all interactions to build and sustain trust with clients.

482: Dirty Clients, Clean Answers

How do you manage when a client's home is more than just messy? We dive into the challenging world of hoarding and its impact on our business as pet sitters and dog walkers. We explore what hoarding really entails and how it creates unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. From navigating privacy issues to ensuring the safety of the pets and maintaining professional boundaries, we cover the essential strategies for approaching these sensitive situations with gentleness and genuine concern. Join us as we provide practical advice to help you handle even the most difficult environments effectively.

474: Pitfalls to Productivity

Why is it so challenging to implement productivity tips into our lives? Amazon has over 10,000 books on the subject of ‘productivity’, so there certainly isn’t a universal solution for everyone. One of the major stumbling blocks to actually being more productive is a lack of understanding of how we work, and the nature of the work we need to get done. We break down common misconceptions to being more productive, along with several things to take into consideration when assessing a new productivity method, tool, or technique.

464: Minimizing Distractions

What grabs your attention? At times, our focus is hijacked by external forces, such as notifications or phone calls, or internal, as we attempt to fill time or divert our thoughts from the task at hand. We discuss the impact of these distractions and share insights into how these constant pings disrupt focus and productivity. We offer strategies to manage and minimize such distractions and highlight the need for strategic time management to improve efficiency and reduce overwhelm.

460: Market Research on a Budget

What does it mean to do market research? As a pet business owner, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of what is driving your local economy and purchasing decisions of your ideal clients. Once we understand the ecosystem that our business exists in, we can make well informed and powerful decisions. We break down a simple (and free) process you can use to gain insights into your local community and better understand how to serve your clients.

456: Running an Efficient Team Meeting

Do you run team meetings? Meetings are usually one of the last things we want to do, and may even feel overwhelmed by putting one together. We walk through points to consider when planning the frequency and length of meetings. Plus, we share our 15-minute meeting format and how to prepare well!

452: Keeping the Momentum After a Difficult Year

What was your 2023 like? If you’re like many, it was a very successful, but very difficult year. Running a business means tackling the ups, and working through the downs. The difficulties we face will be as unique as the businesses we run. We break down four challenges we worked through in our business this year, how they’re not all solved yet, and how we’re growing from each of them.

442: The Costs of Being a Business Owner

What does it cost to be a business owner? While there are certainty financial obligations involved, there are many more demands on us than if we didn’t run our own company. When we can identify the costs, we can better prepare for them, set boundaries and policies to control them, or remove them from our plates entirely through delegation and hiring. We break down five major costs to understand in being a business owner, and how to overcome them. 

436: Striking the Right Marketing Balance

Have you looked at your marketing lately? Do you have a clear, consistent strategy? On this podcast episode, we discuss the two types of marketing growth strategies and when it’s best to use them. As you move potential clients through your marketing funnel, you deploy both sales activation and brand building techniques. It’s important to find the right balance, otherwise you’ll either have a lot of one-off clients, or never truly convert a potential client. We walk through ways of implementing them in your business and how to measure their success.

428: Why You Should Join a Chamber of Commerce

Have you thought about joining a chamber of commerce or other local business support group? We had been throwing the idea around for a while and very recently decided to do it! Today, we break down what a chamber of commerce is, some of their benefits, and how we plan on getting the most of out it!

418: Putting in Hard Work

How does continually taking shortcuts in your business hurt you in the long run? While it may seem like a good idea to go after “tips and tricks” or “hacks” to overcome obstacles, you end up cheating yourself out of learning opportunities and confidence building. We break down several elements as to why tackling hard things is good for you, and how to know the difference between a hard task and a hardship in your life. 

412: 4 Lessons From 4 Years of Podcasting

We just celebrated four years of podcasting! We can’t believe where the time has gone. What started off as a to share from our experiences quickly turned into a while of showcasing the amazing people working in the pet industry. We’ve been honored to share their stories and learn from the best of the best. We break down four lessons we’ve learned and how they’re impacting our own business, and the importance of tackling big problems.

368: Conferences and Professional Pet Sitters Week

March started with a bang! Spring conference season just wrapped up and Professional Pet Sitters week concluded as well. We share our experiences attending the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters conference. We talk through what to consider when determining if you should go to a conference or not. We also give an overview of Professional Pet Sitters week, and why customer service is central to what we do.

350: Appreciating Your Business

Do you appreciate your business? Many of us struggle to see the value our business brings to us, as we focus on the hardships and frustrations. Appreciating your business has to be a conscious effort every day and is influenced by many things. We break down what it means to be appreciative of your business, why it’s so hard, and what it means to stay content.

332: Marketing Messages That Attract and Repel

What does your marketing say about you? Not only does our messaging need to attract clients, it also needs to repel some as well. By being up-front and honest about who you are and what you do, you’ll have potential clients realize you’re not a good fit before they even contact you. The power of your messaging means you have to be very intentional about what you’re putting out.

330: You Need A Not-To-Do List

What is a not-to-do list, and why do you need one? As small business owners, we have a lot on our plate and things that demand our attention. Being pulled in too many directions means we lose focus on the important things. Building a not-to-do list, we remove obligations from our days and are better able to refine what our actual duties are, while also breaking bad habits that waste time and money.

328: Rocky Road in 2023?

Monetary policy and interest rates are slowing the economy down, and most suggest a recession is in the work in the next 12 months. How do we digest this data and apply it to your business? What does this mean for the pet services industry? We break down several key questions for you to think through in your business. We also address the very real need for a support network and the psychological toll a recession takes on small business owners.

326: Mental Preparedness

Why is dog walking and pet sitting such a mental burden? It’s not just the worry of meeting a client's expectations or concerns about missing a visit. We break down how the pet care industry is the perfect storm of task switching, multi-tasking, and distractions. Becoming more mentally prepared takes planning and reviewing not just your schedule, but also every visit. Also, standardization of visits and routines (to the extent possible) helps control the environmental impacts of going from client to client.