Birthday plans

Birthday plans

Celebrating a birthday is always a time of reflection. If it's your birthday, you tend to look over the past year and think about the progress you've made.

You think about the ups (and the downs) over the previous 365 days and sometimes marvel at how you made it through. To the outside observer, it's a time to reflect on your time with the person celebrating.

We celebrated our kids turning 3 and 5 this week. With birthdays this close, we spent a LOT of time thinking about how we never envisioned in our wildest dreams) what we'd be doing right now five years ago. We were still in graduate school, only married a handful of years, and had just started really planning for the future. We had no idea what was in store!

Plans change! It's a healthy part of maturing and understanding who we are as people. Adapting and growing into who we are is just part of the process of life. That's exactly why when we talk about defining success, it's SO important to know that success is up to you and no one else.



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Using Social Media