

What have you stopped doing recently?

We have been in a period of grinding through work and running our business. There are times where we all just have to grind to get work done.

It becomes a problem when we 1) have no end in sight and 2) believe that's

"just how it is".

As business owners, especially solo-preneurs, we do all of the things in our business and can get caught up in feeling like we always have to do everything. The truth is, we can NOT do some things, and the business will still survive. We can, like an ER or A&E doctor, assess the tasks that are mission critical to our business, and then start working on those.

Setting priorities isn't just about knowing what we want out of life. It's also about knowing what the first thing we must do compared to the last thing.

This helps us stay focused on tasks that are actually helping us and our business, and gives us mental and emotional permission to set the low priority tasks to the side for a time.

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