Using Social Media

Using Social Media

There are plenty of things that can overwhelm our days. Social media shouldn't be one of them. By approaching each time we pick up our phones, or log onto our computers, with intentionality and purpose, we will make the most of our time in front of the screen.

Having a plan and understanding your 'why' for your social media is key to staying focused. Do you want to do a huge social media advertising push with A/B testing and targeted ads? Want to make sure you have a presence, where people can find you and learn more about you? Or some combination of those?

Regardless of which of those you decide, set your expectations appropriately, and don't get sucked into trying to make the "perfect" post. It doesn't exist! Instead, let your personality through each of your posts and give your audience something to connect with. Stories, behind the scenes, pet tips, how-tos, or even information on your policies. All are great places to start making posts.

We'd love to know how and why you use social media (or not!) and how it's worked for you!

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