

What do you believe about yourself and your business? If you start putting pen to paper you will soon realize that many of the things that we believe about ourselves are things that others have told us overtime. They may even be things that are actually false, but because of past experiences we have allowed ourselves to believe them. These are things like, "I'm not a legitimate business." or even, "making money doing what I love is bad."

These common mindsets lead to many many pitfalls in the pet care industry.

When we allow ourselves to believe these things we limit our growth and our ability to adapt and change to new things. So what are we do about it?

How do we move ourselves to a better mindset and a better way of viewing ourselves?

While there are several possibilities, one of the first things to do is to get help! Start surrounding yourself with people who support you and who can speak truthfully into what you are experiencing. Whether that is a Facebook group, a coach, or a local business group, get connected!

Leading Yourself

Leading Yourself

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome