Confidence and Pride

Confidence and Pride

We had our very first openly antagonistic person regarding our prices. The client brought his grandma (Mema) over with him. She was aghast at what we charge and effectively turned to leave as soon as it came up. She asked for discounts and flagrantly brushed aside whether it was worth it or not.

Sprinkled in with her disbelief she'd say, "No offense" and "You seem like nice people". Gee...Thanks?!? Her grandson was, understandably, mortified. It was comical actually.

After 9 years in business and hundreds of clients at this point, it really knocked us back for a second. We've had people say "no" and others not respond after we talk about price. Never have we had any pushback like we experienced this morning. How did we handle it?

With smiles! We focused our attention on the client, answered questions, and interacted with his adorable puppy. Each time Mema spoke up about the cost, we would smile and say, "We understand our prices and services aren't for everyone. We're happy to provide alternative sitters if you'd like to check them out." Which is 100% true. Implicit in that statement is also, "Not every client is for us." And that's OK! Will they book with us? We told them to think about it over the weekend and get back to us. We're happy to do a trial run and are always available to answer any questions.

It was a reminder to be confident and take pride in your work. Some people will never understand, and that's ok. Win them with kindness and unforgettably amazing service.

Change is guaranteed

Change is guaranteed

Who Makes You Better?

Who Makes You Better?