Change is guaranteed

Change is guaranteed

Fall came in with gusto for us this week! We're starting to breakout the jackets and hats, boots and gloves. Double checking sizes on the kids (they grow SO fast!), checking the furnaces, and a million other things. Our house is in full preparation mode for what we know is coming.

Unfortunately, not all change can be prepared for; something we all experienced this year. We really wish everything was as predictable as the changing of the seasons. The lessons we can takeaway from this are the importance of having a good support group, changing quickly, and thinking outside the box.

It also involves making sure our businesses are actually set up the way we want them to be. This includes ensuring we are serving the clients we want to be serving. Which means introspection and thought put into what we want our business to look like. We walked through several questions and ways of approaching how to discover who your ideal client is this week.

From pandemics to the passing of clients pets, even though we can't predict exactly when they'll take place, we can start doing small things right now to be better prepared.

Change is guaranteed. Which means there are things we can do to prepare for it. From personal preparations to new ways of doing business, there are things we have control over. So, here's to the changers and shakers in the pet care industry!

What is your brand?

What is your brand?

Confidence and Pride

Confidence and Pride