All tagged sops

423: Building Trust with Clients from the Start with Kimberly Layman

Are you running the business you thought you’d be? Kimberly Layman, owner of Kimberly's Kritter Care, shares the process of refocusing her company to better align with her passions after experiencing burnout early on in the pandemic. She outlines her personalized onboarding strategy of phone calls and in-person meetings to set clients at ease. In addition, Kimberly explains how she structures clear expectations around communication preferences upfront to avoid issues down the road. She also details her strategic approach to obtaining reviews through timely and specific follow-up requests.

388: AI Deep Dive For Your Business

What can AI do for you and your business? Even though we're still in the early days of AI development, many practical and powerful applications are already available for use. We'll outline five ways we're integrating AI into our business operations to regain time and streamline our processes. From creating images to drafting policies, AI has the potential to enhance many aspects of the businesses we run.

260: Reflecting on Hiring

So, after everything we have learned and experienced through hiring, what are our major takeaways? We discuss it in this episode. Hiring has certainly been a major growth opportunity for the business as well as our personal mindsets. We share some of our mistakes, lessons learned, and how we can do better next time. Natasha answers, “I’m solo, do I need to care about company culture?”