388: AI Deep Dive For Your Business

388: AI Deep Dive For Your Business

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What can AI do for you and your business? Even though we're still in the early days of AI development, many practical and powerful applications are already available for use. We'll outline five ways we're integrating AI into our business operations to regain time and streamline our processes. From creating images to drafting policies, AI has the potential to enhance many aspects of the businesses we run.

Main topics

  • Imagine Creation

  • Policies

  • Responding to Client’s

  • Business Emails

  • Marketing Ideas

Main takeaway: No matter what you get back from AI, have a back and forth with it to make it exactly what you want, and then double check it and make it your own!


Previous episode on AI: www.petsitterconfessional.com/episodes/356

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ai, pet, gpt, client, pet sitter, gave, dog, sop, write, spit, business, documents, chat, google, questions, sops, image, photos, open, information


Collin, Meghan

Meghan  00:01

Hi, I'm Meghan. I'm Collin and we are the hosts of pet sitter professional and open and honest discussion about life as a pet sitter.

Collin  00:08

thank our sponsors today pet sitters associates, Florida Pet Services Association and our stupendous patreon supporters

Meghan  00:15

like Barbara Holly, Julie, Kylie, Liz, Kevin, Devin, Mary, Annabelle, Brandy and Lizzy, thank you all very much for supporting the show, we are so glad that you've gotten some value out of it, and are appreciative of your support.

Collin  00:28

Yeah, and if you would like to learn more about that you can go to pet sitter confessional.com/support.

Meghan  00:33

So episode 356 was an introduction to what AI Artificial Intelligence is capable of. So if you want a brief overview of AI, go back and listen to episode 356. Today, we're going to do more of a deep dive into what it is and exactly how you can use it for your business.

Collin  00:51

The first one I want to talk about is image creation. And these applications continue to get better, check out our show notes for this episode, or go to petsitter confessional.com/episodes slash 388. To see a few examples that we're talking about here. We currently use mid journey to make our images. This is run in an application called discord. So first on your computer, you download discord, and then you go to mid journey and you install that into discord. Now you can make your images through a command that's you right imagine, and then a forward slash and you can type whatever you want. Once you click enter, that's where the image generation actually takes place. And the key here is to be as specific as you possibly can. For instance, we were writing a piece for our newsletter for clients about summer coming, and then needing to book ASAP. And I wanted, I knew exactly what I wanted, I want a picture of a dog sitting on the beach wearing black sunglasses. So I wrote imagine Ford slash dog sitting on the beach in black sunglasses, and it spit out four options. And then you can pick from one of those four options about which one you actually want to generate. Or you want it to redo and recreate those. And you can kind of pick and choose and find your own adventure basically, for the images that you're using until you find exactly the perfect one. So just because it spits out one that doesn't have to be the end of it, you can actually have it recreate that image a few times. We've also been using AI images for the newsletter for pets that are confessional. I recently, the most recent one wrote a cat running in a marathon. And it was pretty dang good. I think I think it was pretty good.

Meghan  02:29

Now you can also do these in Canva as well. But I know that the Canva ones right now are pretty inaccurate. They'll Miss shape the dog's eyes or give it only three legs. And they look very cartoony. And there's no way to really go in and say, make this more realistic make it less cartoony, really,

Collin  02:48

you can try writing hyper realistic cat running in Marathon. But it won't always do that. And that is an important point here of there are different AI applications. And they have different strengths. Right now mid journey, in my opinion is making some of the most photorealistic images out there. Canva in open AI are doing more cartoony, more hand drawn kind of images, there are a couple of different other ones that have different strengths. So if you find that you like different styles, or you need certain things, you may find yourself using a combination of these. Or like for me, I like mid journey because you can say cartoon drawing of cat running marathon or you can say photorealistic or you can say hyper realistic or some of these other adjectives to get to exactly what you want out of the image. And some API's are not as good as that as others.

Meghan  03:41

Isn't there an application where you can insert a photo and say, remove this dog collar from the dog and it will do that. So kind of like a Photoshop thing.

Collin  03:50

Yes. And actually, Google announced what something exactly like that at the recent Google IO last week or two weeks ago at this point where Google is rolling out AI for Google Photos. So if you use Google Photos to backup your photos, but here's your PSA, backup your photos, Google Photos, you can backup an unlimited amount of compressed photos, or you can use Amazon photos, if you use pay for Amazon Prime, you get access to Amazon photos to back them up. But in Google, you will be able to once it is uploaded to Google Photos, scrub around on something and completely remove it or pick up a dog and a photo, move it over to the right. And then it will fill in what was supposed to be behind the dog. So you'll see a tree or you see something, see more of the playground or see more of the ocean, it will auto generate everything that was That photo was behind that object so you can actually make your own photos. Exactly. Maybe you took that photo and you're like, Oh, I'm off center, or Oh, I didn't quite capture the balloon or I don't. You can now move those or add those elements back to a photo with Google and that's that's rolling out later this year. Or maybe

Meghan  04:54

there's a dog tag that you don't want the phone number showing or a picture in somebody's home of their loved ones. You don't want that shown on your social media either you can go in and remove that.

Collin  05:03

That's actually a big one. As far as the dog tags, if we take so many photos of those, those kind of become invisible to us. But we're before you post that scanning and going, Oh, is there sensitive information in here? Well, using some of these AI features in these photo ads, and now you can just go and quickly scrub that out where before you had to export it into Photoshop, or in another desktop version of these apps, it's it can all happen on your phone. Now,

Meghan  05:26

another great way to use AI is in your policies. So we talked about this all the time, your policies and procedures in your business, this is one that we have been using a lot more of getting our SOPs or standard operating procedures down pat and making sure that we aren't missing anything AI can really help with doing that, because it really is a lot to write from scratch. So we have turned to open AI or chat GPT and asked it some scenarios for our SOPs to ask

Collin  05:53

them for help. And again, we will also have samples did these in the show notes. So if you want to see this, but we'll read through some of these basically, I wrote, write an SOP for employees about personal safety while performing dog walking and pet care visits include needing to carry spray shield checking exterior of home before leaving car, and ensuring lights are on at night for safety. And it generated an entire five page SOP with multiple bullet points with examples with points to remember in consider. It also had included there some of the HR stuff of you know, updates to this SOP will be communicated through company communication channels on a regular basis or at least once a year. And this is version one a bubble include all of that. And this SOP format, and it was amazing. I mean, was it was it perfect? No, it wasn't perfect. We had to go back and edit and add our own flair and our own things to this. But it was a great place to start. Another one that we did we asked generate an injury reporting form for employees, and it spit out then entire document of multiple lines had all these sorts of questions where it happened, how it happened, did you seek medical attention, please attach photos. Here's your signature, here's a date. And we could copy that and put that in and made a PDF form out of that for if anything happens.

Meghan  07:06

We also asked it for an SOP for how to avoid common work related injuries, wild dog walking and pet city including good stretches and care for your feet. So we were able to quickly generate dozens of SOPs by simply giving it commands. And again, we had to go in and edit and make sure that this is what we wanted to say and how we wanted to say it and insert our company name and all of this. But like you said, it's a great starting point.

Collin  07:30

Yeah, if you're staring at this going, I don't even know where to start, right? Where your first instinct would be okay, let me see if I can go buy a packet or I can go buy something. If you can turn to chat GPT and have it spit out five pages worth of something to you that you can then go edit and make your own. That's a lot faster, it's a lot quicker. And it's a lot, it's a much easier way to adapt those policies and change them. And you can actually, one really neat thing about chat GPT is that while you're using say you spit out that SOP, you can actually stay back rewrite and make shorter or rewrite and expand for Missouri or wherever you live so that it can make some specific changes for years. Now, with that caveat, it's not a lawyer. It's not a it's only up to date as of 2021. So there are limitations. But you can you can start crafting these things to make them hyper specific to you. With that caveat always I've got to go back and edit it look at this and make it my own. And we keep saying chat GPT and open AI. To clarify this. Open AI is the overarching umbrella. It is the open research organization that has created chat GPT chat. GPT is a product from the organization of open AI. They've also made a photo generation app called dolly or now it's dolly two, that's a second generation for photo making photos. I'm not a big fan of that, again, I really like mid journey. But all these terms can be a bit confusing. Open AI makes chat GPT and it makes Dali two and right now we're talking about chat GPT for creating policies.

Meghan  09:06

Well, okay, so open AI just announced a app for chat GPT on iPhones, only Android is coming. But you are able to download that app from the App Store on an iPhone and you don't have to go to their web browser anymore. Yeah,

Collin  09:20

it makes it really fast. It's really a fast app. Again, all this is happening server side. So you asked the question, their servers turn through the question and they spit it back to you on your phone. So you do need a good internet connection. But most of us work on our phones full time anyway, so it makes it a lot easier. One aspect of chat GPT that most people will probably don't know about is you can actually take text, copy it and then paste it into the chat window for chat GPT and ask it questions about that text things like does this text make sense? Or something? I do an awful lot proofread this

Meghan  09:56

check for spelling errors or you know I'm out of a job now. No,

Collin  09:59

no Oh no, you're still better. Or even something like rewrite an or make shorter, make condense this summarize this text. That's something great. So if you find a really long article, you can copy that article, paste it into chat TPT and write summarize, or what are the five main points from this article? And it will give you them right it will it will find those things. Is it the five main points you would pick? Maybe, maybe not. Again, it's just generating this from the context of the article. So always take that into keep my but you can actually put information into this in the attacks and get get an ask questions about it back from it. And it's a that's a really powerful move that you can do, especially if you are looking at policies. If you're looking at procedures. If you're looking at new documents about training or behavior or nutrition stuff and get some good information back to you.

Meghan  10:49

Something that's as awesome as AI is pet sitters associates. As pet care professionals, your clients trust you to care for their furry family members. And that's why pet sitters Associates is here to help. for over 20 years, they've provided 1000s members with quality pet care insurance. Because you work in the pet care industry, you can take your career to the next level with flexible coverage options, client connections and complete freedom in running your business. Learn why pet sitters Associates is the perfect fit for you and get a free quote today at petsfit llc.com. You can get a discount when joining by clicking membership petsitter confessional and using the discount code confessional when you go to checkout, check out the benefits of membership and insurance once again at Pet said llc.com. How many times have you had a client reach out to you and you don't know exactly how to respond to them? There are entire Facebook groups dedicated to this. So when you don't know what to say, you can ask Chad GVT How do I respond to this client? This is really huge, you know, you can give it text of what the client has said. And you can ask it how it would respond to you know, in a professional kind manner.

Collin  11:54

Yeah, here's here's an example. I pulled this from Facebook just the other day of some random post. This is the what the person posted. They said, I'm looking for help telling this one client that update on their dog will be given in my working hours of nine to five. I do this as I like to have my time where I am not having to text clients on my evening downtime. I understand they have their babies, but there needs to be some level of trust and personal time for myself. This one client has had their dog stay with me three to four times now. And she still texts me after 5pm Sometimes it's at 11pm asking her how her dog is doing and how she's behaving. This happens every night even though I give her an update during the day. I've ignored them before and answered during open hour, but she's not getting the hint. I just feel like I need to tell her. It's getting annoying now, especially since I don't have a separate work phone so I can just turn it off. I took that entire text and I paste it into chat DBT I didn't even ask a question. I didn't even say respond to this or anything like this can tell that your love for your pet runs deep, which I deeply admire and respect. What aspect of my service that I take great pride in is my commitment to providing regular updates on each pet under my care during my working hours. This is to ensure that you are consistently informed about your pets well being. However, I have noticed that we've been communicating outside of these hours often late in the evening, I want you to know that I value and appreciate your deep concern for dog's name. And I understand the worry that comes from entrusting a loved one to someone else's care. In order to provide the best service to all my clients. And to maintain a balance between my professional and personal life, I have set specific working hours from 9am to 5pm. During these hours, I am fully available and committed to answering all questions providing updates and discussing any concerns you may have. Outside of these hours, I ask that you please trust that dog's name is in safe hands and will be cared for. I assure you that in the case of an emergency or situation requiring immediate attention, I will reach out to you right away. Regardless of the time, I understand that this might be a change from our previous communication pattern. And I hope that it doesn't cause you any inconvenience. I believe this will help me to continue providing the highest quality pet service to you your dog's name, and all my other clients as well. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, please feel free to reach out during my working hours. And any questions and concerns Best regards your name?

Meghan  14:01

Well. And then it had a little caveat at the end here. It says the key here is to be this is to the person that just typed in that

Collin  14:07

this is this chat GPT gave that response. And then it also gave this little nugget at the end. The key

Meghan  14:12

here is to be respectful understanding and assertive, ensuring the client that their pet is in good hands while establishing a clear communication boundary. So what you just read Colin was very lengthy. Me personally, I am not that wordy. When I send responses, I would cut probably about at least half of that down. However, it would give me some very good guidance as to how to respond in a professional manner to that client.

Collin  14:39

Well, and then let's say you got that response and you're like, oh my gosh, that doesn't sound like me at all. Well, you can then edit it, or you can just respond back to chat TPT and say, change that response, maybe respond in a more direct and firm manner or respond in a kind and compassionate way and it will change entirely what was written to meet that new criteria. So you could say, make that shorter, or make that more firm or make that more direct. And that simple prompt will actually cue it to rewrite what it just gave you in that new way that you want it to do for your business.

Meghan  15:12

Just like chat, GBT is useful in communicating to clients, whether it's text or email. It's also useful when generating business emails. And I know we have started to do that as well of going I want to write about this topic, but I don't know exactly where to start.

Collin  15:28

Or, if you have a hard time cold, calling cold, emailing, cold, contacting others, this is something that'll be really beneficial for you. We are personally always trying to reach out to other businesses to partner with them, and grow our little circle of influence and grow our community that we are connected with. Here's an example of something that I put into chat GPT, I wrote, write an email to a pet friendly restaurant asking to partner with them for a pet related event this summer. And then I'd like to sit down with them to talk more about it. And this is what it gave me. They even gave me the subject line for the email it said, partnership opportunity for pet related event this summer. Dear restaurant manager's name. I hope this message finds you well. My name is my name, and I'm a professional dog walker and pet sitter in our community. Over the years I've had the privilege of serving many pet owners in our area, and I've come to realize how much our community values and cherishes its pets. This summer, I am planning to organize a pet related event aiming at celebrity hour. This summer, I am planning to organize a pet related event aimed at celebrating our love for pets and strengthening the bond within our community giving your restaurants well known pet friendly ethos, I believe a partnership between us could be greatly beneficial. I'm envisioning an event that not only caters to our community's pet owners, but also provides an opportunity for local businesses like yours to showcase their commitment to being pet friendly. This could potentially include special menu items for pets, pet friendly spaces within the restaurant and more, I'd be delighted to sit down with you to discuss the opportunity in great detail and explore how we could make this event mutually beneficial. This will not only be an excellent platform for engaging with the community, but also a chance to increase visibility and patronage to your restaurant. Please let me know if you're available for meeting in the coming weeks. I'm flexible and can meet at a time and place that suits you, whether that's at your restaurant or elsewhere, thank you for considering this partnership, I look forward to the possibility of working together to create an event that celebrates our community's love of Pets Best regards your name.

Meghan  17:15

Again, I feel like that's quite verbose, but make it your own, make it how you would sound and the language that you would use. But it's a great jumping off point.

Collin  17:24

And that was still pretty generic in the writing prompt, you could if you know of the name of a pet friendly restaurant, if you know the owner, if you know the name of your event, if you know more specifics about it, give it that information. And it will spit all of that out and include that in the kind of email or document that you're trying to create. Again, you don't have to go oh, just write an email to a restaurant. If you know the name, say write an eat write an email to insert name of restaurant that you know here to talk about the event that I want to do have on these dates on these times at this location. And it will put all that together for you. And then you can take in structure it and move it the way you want.

Meghan  18:03

I think one of the coolest ways of using open AI and chat GBT, other than the image creation, which I love doing the pictures is how you can use it other ways in your business other than content creation for social media or your emails. And one way to do that is with marketing ideas, it can generate those as well. So if you ask Where would I target high net worth individuals in Austin, Texas for dog walking and pet sitting services and obviously you could replace your exact town and the exact services you offer along with your ideal client. But if you I typed that in and what it gave me was, it was pretty cool is it high net worth individuals in Austin, Texas are typically located in affluent neighborhoods and frequent upscale establishments and events here are some specific areas and venues you may consider for your marketing efforts. And then it gave five neighborhoods exact neighborhoods where I could go to and target those clients. So one of them was Westlake hills. And then it said it's known for its high end real estate beautiful views and excellent schools. Another one is rolling with another affluent community close to downtown Austin with high property values it would

Collin  19:08

for each of those five areas it said not just what it was but what it was known for. And then it gave five as a high end establishments and venues that people that you know high net worth individuals make frequent so it gave you know just examples of luxury pet stores and it gave actual names of pet stores in town barking Creek dog and Kitchen Bath lofty dog. It gave upskilled vet clinic names that gave country clubs to go investigate luxury fitness centers and spas and high end farmers markets and events and where they were located. And you could go in and ask it I actually did this because it gave after this it said remember personal referrals are often the most effective marketing tools providing excellent service to your existing clients can also help reach this demographic. I went in and asked it, how would I How would I make the most out of personal referrals and it gave me five or six other ideas that would work for that. And you could ask it certain questions about each of the pieces of information that it gives you. Tell me more about the luxury fitness centers and spas? How would I ask them? Could you write eight ready for this, write an email to a luxury fitness center and spa asking to partner with them on a pet friendly event. Hey, now we're tying all of this together or include the name of this, this luxury spa to a client telling them that you're partnering with them. And now you can really sit here and over the course of an hour or two hours, generate a bunch of content, a bunch of messages, a bunch of forms and documents that center all around this, then you start pulling in the images for the luxury center and spa. Something I really like to do is I asked a chat GPT what prompt would I use to get the best picture of a dog for luxury spa, and it will tell you a prompting to take that prompt you can paste that in the AI photo generator to make a perfect photo for you. And all these things start tying together. And as you ask questions, as you give it more information and continue to probe and dig into this. That's really where you start getting the most out of this don't it's not just write me a blog or give me five ideas, then you ask questions about those ideas that it gave you. And that's where the creativity really happens.

Meghan  21:13

And the power comes into right. And the power also comes in because the computer, the AI knows about your community, probably better than you do. I know you're very connected in your community and you you know the different dog friendly establishments, and people know your name through word of mouth. But ultimately, the computer knows more about it than you and knows the history of your community and can pull from that. As far as maybe there has been a dog event in the past and it hasn't worked out and you want to revive it, well, it would know that.


What's up everyone, it's Doug, the dog guy, owner and founder of Bad to the Bone pet care. And I am the Vice President of the Florida Pet Services Association. We are so excited to have a jam packed weekend for the first ever Florida Pet Services Summit, which is going to be August 25. To the 27th at the floridays Resort in beautiful Orlando, Florida, we're going to have over 16 interactive workshops covering everything from marketing and branding, to finances and hiring being led by some of the biggest and best leaders in the pet industry. This is going to be an intimate event with limited availability. So don't wait to get your ticket at f L pet association.org. While they're still available, again, that is f L pet association.org.

Meghan  22:32

There are so many different ways that we can use AI in marketing and our content. But it's important to have that back and forth of just because it spits something out at you one time that you don't have to have that as the gold standard, you can go back and say refine this and in whatever way make it shorter, make it longer make it more specific, more direct, you know, whatever it was for you. But you can go in and have that two way conversation because it will keep reiterating the process.

Collin  22:58

It will. And when you ask how or why or give me more examples or a change that you are you're now imposing your thought process on the model is what the model is that that's what this is, it's when you start asking different questions or variations on things where that creativity can actually happen. I think that's really important to remember, like you said, Megan, don't ever just take that first thing it gives you and spit that out there. Either you need to take that and edit it or you need to have a back and forth with the AI going okay, now refine this ask these different things, because that's where the power really happens. These are just five areas that we're really excited about some things that are coming up. And you know, every company is racing towards an AI future. It really is Google, certainly no different. I mentioned the Google Photo things earlier. That's something that's really exciting. I mean, they have rolled out to Google Docs, you can actually enroll in the beta process, which I have. And it's a it's using a it's putting AI in Google Docs. So if you use Google Docs, if you use anything Google for your business, they are putting AI into each one of their products. So if you open up a Google Docs, a little thing will hover over on the left hand side, it's a help writer, you click that you give it a prompt and it'll spit out something.

Meghan  24:06

So it's kind of like paperclip and Microsoft Word 1999. How can I help you?

Collin  24:11

Yes, exactly. Pretty, pretty much, except for much more powerful, much more powerful. Canva also has something similar to this, it's not as robust as open AI is program right now. They're using a different subset of that, but it is growing, and it will just get more and more powerful as they invest time and energy into that. They are also adding AI to things like data analysis. So for Google Sheets, you know, instead of having to write functions in a spreadsheet to look at something like month over month or year over year, or even asking like who are my top 10% of my clients, you can import your data into an Excel into a Google sheet. And then you can just ask it, what how what was my percent increase year over year? Just write that language you just write that sentence? It will Take that it'll do that data analysis for you. Microsoft Office is introducing this to all their suite of products with their AI version. And so Excel and outlook and Docs and slides, all those things will be connected with one another Google is doing this exact same thing. So you can just ask it, give me my revenue breakdown? Or what am I top services, you can ask these questions that you have about your business? Who are my top 10% of clients? How much money did I make per revenue service in March, those specific questions are gonna give you a lot of information back are now going to be just a simple sentence away, instead of having to write complicated functions and strings and pivot tables and all sorts of that fun stuff. And where all this is going, it's not just helped me in Google Docs, or just helped me in Microsoft Word. What where these companies are headed is they're trying to link all of this data together. So what Google is doing is adding an AI to your entire Google Drive, which is huge. Right? Now. If you go to AI, if you go to chat, GPT, you're going to ask a question. And it's going to pull from all of its no knowledge and it responds with a predictive model. But what if what if your your business and you have hundreds of 1000s of documents in Google Drive, you've got all sorts of spreadsheets with financial history, you've got all sorts of written SOPs, you've got all sorts of other policies and procedures,

Meghan  26:22

maybe even client data client, you are a pen and paper, you've got a piece of paper for every client,

Collin  26:26

you've got PDFs in there for manuals and trainings and education that you've taken over the years. What if an AI learned based off the information only you gave it, you pointed at your own information? So Google is now doing this? It's called Document AI. It's a paid upgrade feature to get access to Google Cloud. But you ask questions about certain spreadsheets and information patterns. And then you can write a document basically go to it and say, Look at look at 2020 twos financial data and write a report about how that year went. And it will do that. Maybe you're in Google Slides. And you need to make a slide talking about how business was or an image using an SOP that you had. It knows all that information about you specifically, and can pull that information and make things for you and do things for you and your business. I assume

Meghan  27:22

that this would make selling a business much easier.

Collin  27:27

Yeah, wait, really what now Now, this is a value add that you have of, hey, I have this AI in my business. And it's feeding on all of this information and data that I can give it that I can shove into it. And it's just gonna get better over time. Something that's really going to be really neat is let's say right now you can upload, you can you can pay for a chatbot on your website, but you have to give it a specific prompts to the very specific questions, otherwise, it won't respond. Well imagine you had a chatbot that was fed your employee him was Fred, you know, your your contract your policies that were customer facing, so that when somebody came in said, you know, what's the cancellation policy? Well, you don't have to write in this exact response for whether it's cancellation policy, the chat bot will be able to look at your policies, look at your contract and go, Oh, here's that information. And I can spit that back out to my client, person who's on my website, there is all become becomes a personal AI. Right? That's, that's actually what I think I'm most excited about is the personalization of the AI because the models are out there. The models are out there, they've been developed, and they can be implemented in different ways.

Meghan  28:37

So it's basically knowing all of the information about Jessica's pet sitting or Bob's dog walking, knowing the intricacies of how it works, and being able to communicate that to the client if the client asks a specific question.

Collin  28:51

Yep. And I know a big aspect of chat GPT of the AI models is data privacy. I mentioned earlier about the open AI they released catch up T on your phone, well, you write in that question that gets sent out to their servers somewhere it's off location, who knows where they are, they're processed there and then get spit back to you. Because the models are out there. People are doing weird things with them. So what's happening is that it's becoming more and more accessible and ridiculously cheap. It's really not all that interesting. But I'm currently running a version of chat GPT locally on my laptop, right? It's doesn't have to go to a different server. It's on my laptop. i There's a version of it that is making our transcripts. So I don't have to go in upload our transcripts, upload our voice data and all that stuff to a different server. It can stay locally on on our computer. So that doesn't that's if they that other service gets hacked. Well, our data is not out there. Data privacy is really huge. And it's not an insignificant thing to consider when thinking about AI and our clients data and the privacy that they have. So if you Have all of your data on your phone or on your laptop? Right? Right now, it's a little buggy. It is a little buggy, it will only get better. But right now you can download an AI model to your laptop and have it processed that information locally to ask these kinds of questions. So you don't even have to go to Google or Microsoft or these big corporations, you can do it all right on your own devices. And that I get really excited about that. Because imagine having the power of an AI right on your phone that's locally on your phone, processing all information there keeping all of your clients data and information secret and secure, without having to worry about other people looking at it. Well, that

Meghan  30:37

is a question I have. Because if the AI is learning all about Jessica's pet sitting and dog walking from your internal documents, like your contract, how does it know to pull when, when a client asks a question, how does it know to pull the client facing documents and not the internal financials. So for

Collin  30:57

the chat model that goes on your website, you would have it look at a small subset of documents. So you would only so let's say you were using Google's chat feature, you would only for that model, you would only upload the documents to it that you wanted. If you were running it locally on your computer, you would only point it you'd only click and upload from a small folder that says these are chat AIS documents that it has access to and will only look at that folder and any documents that you put in there. For the other model that you're running. As far as if you want to ask questions about spreadsheets or data or make things for you. You could you could only upload a small portion of other documents to that as well. So you can keep them pretty separated because you're running two different API's to do two different functions. And so as the API's we mentioned this actually at the beginning, the show different image generator API's are becoming more and more specialized. Same thing with this. There's the data analysis API's. There's the creation API's. There's the help AIS there was the personal assistant AIS, all of those need different data to work and be well optimized. So feeding it good data is the first step in getting good output from that.

Meghan  32:03

And I assume for the chat bot on your website that's answering client questions that would have to be internal in your specific website program like Squarespace or Wix or something like that they would have that plugin available.

Collin  32:16

Yeah, they would or you could use third party plugins for that. And they're a couple different companies that do that currently have here's an AI chat bot, give us the data and we can we can answer the questions that your clients have. If you

Meghan  32:26

know of other useful ways to use AI in your business. We would love to hear about them and share them out on the episode so all the other dog walkers and pet sitters can use them to you can let us know and send us an email at feedback at Pet Sitter confessional.com Or we are on Facebook and Instagram at Pet Sitter confessional. Thank you very much for listening today. Thank you to pet sitters associates and the Florida Pet Services Association and we will talk with you next time. Bye

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