All tagged purpose

276: Common Social Media Mistakes

Chances are, you’re probably using social media for your business. How is it working for you? Social media can be overwhelming and feel like it’s actually not getting you any business. While social media has many upsides, we discuss some of the pitfalls and how to avoid them. We also break down six common mistakes to avoid when using social media for your business. Then, Natasha O’Banion, Automated CEO, answers, “How do I make the most out of in-person marketing events?”

228: The Currency of Passion with Ashley Ann Odom

Where does your passion come from? How do you put your passion to work? Just having a passion for something is the first step. It’s then up to us to fight for what we want and take the steps to realize our dreams. Ashely Ann Odom, owner of Diamonds in the Ruff a luxury grooming salon, details her journey into the pet grooming industry and overcoming her fears. She shares how she uses her passion to reach a bigger purpose in her life and why going through tough times actually helps us in the long run. Ashley Ann also talks about what it’s like running luxury grooming salon, how she connects with her clients, and what it’s like grooming for celebrities.

177: Why Have a Mission Statement?

How do you know if you’re meeting your business goals? What do you do when you’re facing a tough decision? A mission statement isn’t just something to attract clients, it’s mostly used as a guardrail during decision making and for making sure all of your staff are on the same page (if you have them). A mission statement helps give your work purpose and remind us that we are working towards something larger. It also gives us a standard to hold ourselves against and to continually strive towards.