All tagged customer

425: A Touch of ‘Know, Like, and Trust’ with Kelly Hester

How do you make an excellent client onboarding? A well executed client onboarding not only sets the tone and expectations for the client, but also set the relationship up to last for years. Kelly Hester, owner of Kelly’s Kritters Dog Walking and Pet Sitting, joins the show to walk through how she translated her decades of corporate work into running her business. From exceptional customer service to formally documenting everything, she provides several great best practices. Kelly also explains her process for onboarding clients so that both she and the client understand exactly what is going on.

387: Good Will is Good PR with Remy Bibaud

What does having good PR mean to you? Many times we use customer relations and public relations interchangeably, but this is limiting our ability to have a wider impact in our community. Remy Bibaud, co-owner of Pet Perennials, joins the show to share how to foster public relations and use it to your advantage. Remy walks through the major points of cultivating high quality experiences with your business, and the role you play in guiding that. She also shares how she stays ahead of understanding her client’s needs.

278: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Brand

Do you have a strong brand for your pet business? Why should we be concerned about it? Our brand is being built as we operate our business so the process of strengthening our brand is purposefully steering it to better position our business in the market. We share 5 ways to start building a stronger brand today. Plus, Natasha O’Banion with Automated CEO answers, “Should I take business and marketing classes?”

190: Un-Marketing Your Business

Where should we invest our time as business owners? Traditional thinking would say to make sure to carve out plenty of time for marketing your services. What if we focused on other things and put relationships first? What would that look like in our business? We break down what the idea of Un-Marketing is and ways to start changing our mindsets towards placing more importance on relationships than ads. From the technology we use, to how we post on social media, there are ways to respect our clients and build their trust without ever running a single ad. Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I handle a negative review?”

080- Customer Service in Pet Care

Today on the podcast, Meghan and Collin discuss their personal approach to customer service and point out some best practices to ensure clients have the best experience possible. The goal is to provide the best possible care to the pet, but we can’t forget about how we treat the owners! On the ‘Ask a Pet Business Coach’ segment, Natasha O’Banion answers the question everyone has as they start to grow: how you stay connected and communicate with clients as you add staff.

074- Having Tough Conversations with Clients

We break down 10 things to consider when having a hard conversation with a client. Unfortunately, we’ve all been there. Whether it’s a lost pet, a dog that won’t eat, or a service you forgot to render, tough conversations happen in this business. We discuss ways to help make them just a little bit less difficult. Natasha O’Banion is back for another “Ask a Pet Business Coach” segment where she answers the question “What are the basics needed for a successful business?”