All tagged buy

292: How to Handle Inflation as a Pet Business

How are you handling inflation and high gas prices? Prices on everything continue to rise and businesses are feeling the pinch more and more. Unfortunately, most economists aren’t seeing any bright spots in the future. So how do we tackle these concerns and make sure our businesses continue to operate and provide us a living? We break down four things you should be considering in the days and months ahead to make sure you’re positioned to weather the storms.

278: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Brand

Do you have a strong brand for your pet business? Why should we be concerned about it? Our brand is being built as we operate our business so the process of strengthening our brand is purposefully steering it to better position our business in the market. We share 5 ways to start building a stronger brand today. Plus, Natasha O’Banion with Automated CEO answers, “Should I take business and marketing classes?”

180: Having What it Takes with JP Anunciacion

Buying a business can be a very daunting task. JP Anunciacion, owner of Dog Days & Cat Naps, bought a pet sitting company after a background in call centers, business process outsourcing, and moving to the U.S. from the Philippines in 2006. After climbing the corporate ladder, he needed a change, and found a love and passion for pet care. JP purchased the company from Becky Eberly (episode 122) and dove head first into learning the ropes. He shares what he learned in the process and how he worked really hard for a smooth transition with staff and clients. We also discuss the importance of customer service and what good leadership means to him.