All tagged brand

436: Striking the Right Marketing Balance

Have you looked at your marketing lately? Do you have a clear, consistent strategy? On this podcast episode, we discuss the two types of marketing growth strategies and when it’s best to use them. As you move potential clients through your marketing funnel, you deploy both sales activation and brand building techniques. It’s important to find the right balance, otherwise you’ll either have a lot of one-off clients, or never truly convert a potential client. We walk through ways of implementing them in your business and how to measure their success.

416: How to Become Irreplaceable

Are you irreplaceable to your clients? Today, we dive into the concept of becoming "irreplaceable" and how to stand out so your clients stick with you. We stumbled upon a great quote by the legendary Coco Chanel, which we use to dissect what makes a brand or service not only unique but also indispensable. We break down our three elements of differentiation – Expectations, Experience, and Expertise – and provide some actionable steps on how to make your business truly unforgettable.

333: Finding the Voice of Your Business with Katie Kenton

How do you provide personalized care? Katie Kenton, owner of Katie’s Kennel, shares her experience of business growth. Katie is committed to focusing on her community and making connections with her clients. As a new mom, Katie has found a new way to balance her personal life and work, and works hard to stay in tune with what her brand is and the voice of her business.

278: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Brand

Do you have a strong brand for your pet business? Why should we be concerned about it? Our brand is being built as we operate our business so the process of strengthening our brand is purposefully steering it to better position our business in the market. We share 5 ways to start building a stronger brand today. Plus, Natasha O’Banion with Automated CEO answers, “Should I take business and marketing classes?”

197: Leadership of Self with Gila Kurtz

When most of us think about leadership, we tend to think of what it means to bring others together and work toward a common goal. However, leadership actually starts with leading ourselves. Self leadership is based on habit formation, discipline, and follow through. When we are self-aware enough to ask, ‘Who am I right now and who do I need to become?’, we start the process of growing and expanding ourselves. Gila Kurtz, dog trainer and owner of Dog Is Good, shares why self leadership is so important in pet care and what it means to overcome the limiting beliefs that hold us back. Gila shares why setting goals for ourselves can be so hard and recognize the need for growth. We also discuss how being better at self leadership makes us better at leading others.

166: Brand Photography with Petra Losonczi-Kiss

Photos are the fastest way to communicate what our business is, who our services are for, and what our ‘vibe’ is. How do we use photos in our business and what does it mean to have a branded photo? Petra Losonczi-Kiss, a Pet Business Brand Photography Specialist and owner of Petra Brand Photography, joins the show to discuss how awesome photos improve our messaging. She shares how photos help connect us with our ideal clients and how to be ourselves in front of the lens.

143: Website Design with Mikaela Vargas

Building a website that works for you takes planning and understanding of who your client actually is. Mikaela Vargas joins the show to discuss the best practices in websites, the role of colors, and how to make your website get the clients you want to work with. Mikaela shares how a well designed website saves us time and simple things we can do to make our existing websites better.