All tagged struggle

423: Building Trust with Clients from the Start with Kimberly Layman

Are you running the business you thought you’d be? Kimberly Layman, owner of Kimberly's Kritter Care, shares the process of refocusing her company to better align with her passions after experiencing burnout early on in the pandemic. She outlines her personalized onboarding strategy of phone calls and in-person meetings to set clients at ease. In addition, Kimberly explains how she structures clear expectations around communication preferences upfront to avoid issues down the road. She also details her strategic approach to obtaining reviews through timely and specific follow-up requests.

352: Carrying Mental Burdens in Business

How is your mental health doing? It’s a new year, so it’s a great time to assess how you are doing. With so much anticipation for 2023, hopes remain high for booming business. However, busy business doesn’t mean a happy heart. Life happens, which impacts you and your ability to run your business. We break down a recent poll we ran, what it says about the state of the industry, and how we can move forward!

350: Appreciating Your Business

Do you appreciate your business? Many of us struggle to see the value our business brings to us, as we focus on the hardships and frustrations. Appreciating your business has to be a conscious effort every day and is influenced by many things. We break down what it means to be appreciative of your business, why it’s so hard, and what it means to stay content.

183: Imposter Syndrome in Pet Care

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? Do you ever think you don’t belong or that you’ll be found out as a fake and a fraud? Imposter syndrome in the pet care industry is the result of many factors, both internal and external. We break down what those reasons are and some practical ways to start overcoming imposter syndrome. Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I combat the fear of losing it all?”