All tagged services

485: Creating Client-Centered Services with Hannah Alsup

What does it mean to create a client-centered pet care service? Hannah Alsup, from Three Dog Pet, explores how to incorporate a wide range of services to meet the unique needs of each client. From pet sitting and personal assistance to dog training, Hannah explains how personalized communication and flexible services can empower clients to make informed decisions about their pets. She also touches on the importance of setting boundaries for both clients and staff, while offering tips on integrating mental stimulation and training into pet care routines.

483: Being More Than a Pet Sitter with Sarah Schloerb

How can you make your business more than pet care? Sarah Schloerb, owner of Sit Stay NJ, discusses the importance of professionalism and how she leverages her experience in the veterinary field to offer specialized services. She emphasizes the significance of building a robust network with local pet care professionals to enhance service offerings and prepare for possible industry legislative changes. Sarah's also shares her efforts in community education through pet first aid and CPR classes, and her role in founding a league of pet care professionals aimed at advocacy and education. Sarah's passion for providing tailored and compassionate care to pets shines in all she does, making it clear that her work is both a personal calling and a professional endeavor.

460: Market Research on a Budget

What does it mean to do market research? As a pet business owner, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of what is driving your local economy and purchasing decisions of your ideal clients. Once we understand the ecosystem that our business exists in, we can make well informed and powerful decisions. We break down a simple (and free) process you can use to gain insights into your local community and better understand how to serve your clients.

455: Effective Use of Google Ads with Maris Sonnabend

How do you use Google ads effectively? Running an effective Google ad campaign takes more than just clicking a few buttons. It requires focus, trial and error, and a willingness to lean heavily into your brand. Maris Sonnabend, owner of House of Paws Pet Care, shares her experience of embracing a branding that isn’t for her but has enabled her to target a specific avatar. She walks through the importance of focusing on one guiding principle to keep everything you do focused and intentional. Maris also discusses her philosophy of testing to determine what will and will not work in her business.

449: Letting the Client Be Heard with Natalie Spedden

What are the unique challenges your business faces? Our business is shaped by our own values and how we want things done. It’s also molded by the community we service. Everything from how we hire, the services we can offer, and the kind of marketing we do is influenced by where we are. Natalie Spedden, owner of Aggieland Pet Sitting, walks through how she runs and hires in a town heavily influenced by a large university. Natalie shares how to take off our rose colored glasses to make hard decisions. She also talks about how she is building a professional team focused on the client’s needs.

448: When Word-of-Mouth Isn’t Enough: 20 Ideas to Market Your Business

How is word of mouth marketing working for you? If you’re like many people right now, you’re finding that word of mouth is not quite enough to keep your business growing or maintaining the level you need. Today, we break down 20 marketing ideas to try if you’ve never had to market before. If it’s all a little intimidating, we also discuss 5 things to focus on to get started.

446: Aggregation Theory and Pet Care

What is Aggregation Theory and why is it important in pet care? With the recent purchase of Rover by Blackstone, many pet business owners are wondering what it means for them. Today, we break down how Aggregation Theory applies to dog walking and pet sitting, how other industries have navigated dominant players, and what independent businesses can do about it!

441: Focusing on the Big Picture with Tori Levitt

Where is your focus on your business? Tori Levitt, owner of Doolittle's Dog House, discusses the importance of setting and communicating clear policies to clients, and how to balance expanding services while maintaining control of your business. Tori emphasizes the necessity of personal self-care and setting boundaries to prevent burnout in this demanding industry. She also highlights the value of continuous education and building strong referral networks with other professionals like veterinarians and groomers. This episode is a blend of practical business advice and personal growth insights.

440: The Last-Minute Rush: Balancing Business and Boundaries in Pet Sitting

Ever wondered how to handle those last-minute pet care requests? We delve into the complexities of accommodating such bookings in the pet care industry, focusing on the implications for scheduling, employee satisfaction, and maintaining client relationships. We also explore the nuanced topic of job sharing, discussing its advantages and challenges, and its impact on client trust and business operations. This episode offers insights on setting boundaries, implementing fees, and tailoring policies to strike a balance between meeting business needs and responding to client demands.

438: Don’t Stop Believing…in Marketing

What should you do with your marketing during a busy period? While it may be tempting to take your foot off the gas, we think it’s the perfect time to keep going! Running your messaging year round will help develop brand awareness and even out the ups and downs that come with running a dog walking and pet sitting business. We break down the reason stopping marketing during busy periods can hurt your business, and the kinds of messaging to focus on to get the right clients once the slowdown comes.

436: Striking the Right Marketing Balance

Have you looked at your marketing lately? Do you have a clear, consistent strategy? On this podcast episode, we discuss the two types of marketing growth strategies and when it’s best to use them. As you move potential clients through your marketing funnel, you deploy both sales activation and brand building techniques. It’s important to find the right balance, otherwise you’ll either have a lot of one-off clients, or never truly convert a potential client. We walk through ways of implementing them in your business and how to measure their success.

433: Pizza, Pets, and Planes with Lauri Partanio

How can a pet care company make a profound impact on a community? In today's episode, Lauri Partanio, owner of Professional Pets Florida, highlights two innovative initiatives. First, "Pizza for Pets", collaborates with local eateries to feature at-risk shelter animals on pizza boxes and takeout bags. This effort alone has saved 39 animals from euthanasia. Additionally, Lauri introduces her "Flight Nanny" services, ensuring pets are transported safely to their new homes. By tuning into the needs of clients and partnering with local businesses, Lauri redefines community engagement through pet care.

432: Listener Mailbag!

We reached out on social media for your questions, and you responded! On this episode we cover everything asking about client cameras and our long term goals, to getting health insurance and our favorite cartoon pet. Thank you to all who sent in questions! 

430: Game Theory and Running a Pet Care Business

What can Game Theory tell us about running our business? We dive into game theory's relevance for pet care businesses, focusing on strategic decision-making. Using the Prisoner's Dilemma, we discuss the importance of trust and long-term relationships in a competitive landscape. We also offer strategies for pricing, quality of service, and client retention, emphasizing the goal of being the chosen service for repeat customers. We advocate for building a business that clients trust and return to, encapsulating the game theory principle: "The winner is the one who gets asked to play again." This episode will provide you with invaluable insights for fostering a sustainable and thriving business.

429: Being a Problem Solver with Kevin Johnson

What problems are you solving for your clients? Kevin Johnson, owner of Planet Paws Pet Care, views his entire role as being the problem solver for his clients. Kevin transitioned from being a defense attorney to running a successful pet sitting business. He emphasizes the importance of communication skills in building trust with clients and identifying their pain points. He believes in being a problem solver and guiding clients to the right services, even if it means referring them elsewhere. Kevin also highlights the value of networking, joining the chamber of commerce, and filling gaps in the market. He and his wife work together in the business, with her focusing on marketing and business operations. Kevin participates in events to raise awareness of his business and engage with the community.

427: Finding Flexibility and Freedom with Shade Long

How much is your time worth to you? As busy business owners, we often get caught up in the grind and hustle of our day-to-day operations. Ultimately, we have to step back and ask what truly matters in our lives. Shade Long, owner of Complete Pet Care, joins the show to share the learning curve she's experienced over the last two years. From managing massive business growth amidst overwhelm, to refining her onboarding process, she's finding ways to strike a better balance. Shade explains why it's not all about bursting at the seams and emphasizes that you can run the business you want while also having a life outside of it.

419: Selling the Gap with Rachelle Steele

How do you sell your services to potential clients? While many of us believe that our service quality speaks for itself, many clients will have additional questions or needs that we must address. With 30 years of high-end retail experience, Rachelle Steele, owner of Loving Arms Pet Services, shares insights into guiding clients through the purchasing process. Rachelle explains how to ask good questions to better understand how you can serve your client and how using the Platinum Rule can help you meet your clients' needs.

416: How to Become Irreplaceable

Are you irreplaceable to your clients? Today, we dive into the concept of becoming "irreplaceable" and how to stand out so your clients stick with you. We stumbled upon a great quote by the legendary Coco Chanel, which we use to dissect what makes a brand or service not only unique but also indispensable. We break down our three elements of differentiation – Expectations, Experience, and Expertise – and provide some actionable steps on how to make your business truly unforgettable.

415: Fostering Relationships Through Your Software with Mike Grenier

What drives close relationships in your business? We should view everything we do as an opportunity to foster relationships with our clients, including our software. Mike Grenier, co-founder of Time to Pet, joins the show to share how they prioritize problem-solving. Mike emphasizes the importance of adhering to guiding principles while not being afraid to pivot in response to market changes. He describes the process of building a niche business and how his early days running a pet sitting business with his wife influenced their approach to software.

413: Navigating CRMs with Dom Hodgson

What is a CRM and how can it help your business? As the marketer of your business, you’re in charge of finding ways of getting your business in front of more people and connecting them to the right services. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) allows you to supercharge how you interact with your existing and potential client. Dom Hodgson, The Pet Biz Wiz, joins the show to break down how to make the most of a CRM and find the hidden money in your business. Dom explains what a quality CRM can actually do, how to communicate with your clients, and help you understand your clients better.