All tagged serve

460: Market Research on a Budget

What does it mean to do market research? As a pet business owner, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of what is driving your local economy and purchasing decisions of your ideal clients. Once we understand the ecosystem that our business exists in, we can make well informed and powerful decisions. We break down a simple (and free) process you can use to gain insights into your local community and better understand how to serve your clients.

442: The Costs of Being a Business Owner

What does it cost to be a business owner? While there are certainty financial obligations involved, there are many more demands on us than if we didn’t run our own company. When we can identify the costs, we can better prepare for them, set boundaries and policies to control them, or remove them from our plates entirely through delegation and hiring. We break down five major costs to understand in being a business owner, and how to overcome them. 

378: Are You Committed to Your Business?

What does it mean to be committed to your business? It means fully dedicating yourself to the success and growth, but it also  involves a combination of personal investment, professional investment, and planning to ensure your business thrives. By fully committing to your business, you demonstrate your belief in its potential and lay the foundation for lasting success. We break down the key areas to commit to and how your goals and values drive everything.