All tagged pricing

460: Market Research on a Budget

What does it mean to do market research? As a pet business owner, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of what is driving your local economy and purchasing decisions of your ideal clients. Once we understand the ecosystem that our business exists in, we can make well informed and powerful decisions. We break down a simple (and free) process you can use to gain insights into your local community and better understand how to serve your clients.

332: Marketing Messages That Attract and Repel

What does your marketing say about you? Not only does our messaging need to attract clients, it also needs to repel some as well. By being up-front and honest about who you are and what you do, you’ll have potential clients realize you’re not a good fit before they even contact you. The power of your messaging means you have to be very intentional about what you’re putting out.

259: INSPIRE with Dom Hodgson

Dom Hodgson, the Pet Biz Wiz, talks about growing your business sustainably through pricing and upselling on additional services. By continuing to focus on the fundamentals of our businesses, we’ll be less likely to make rushed and stressed decisions. Dom also shares what it means to give your clients a premium on-boarding experience and how to increase lock-in of existing clients. Dom has an upcoming live event in March (INSPIRE 2022) that we are taking part in, and would love to see you there!

245: Pricing Mindset

Did you raise your prices starting January 1st? There are often stumbling blocks and fears surrounding charging what you need to in order for your business to survive. We debunk several of those and discuss the importance of doing a personal (and business!) budget so you know exactly how much you need to live the life you want. During this first week of the New Year, re-evaluate what you charge and how you determine that price.

244: Roundtable: Pricing Your Services

How should you set your prices? 💰Because pricing is such a huge topic in the pet care industry, we asked Natasha O'Banion, Doug Keeling, & Dan Reitman to each share their mindset around pricing. With us going into a New Year, right now is the perfect time to step back and assess not only your prices, but also your mindset around charging for your services, and viewing yourself as a business owner. It's so much more than "know your worth". It's about understanding the opportunities available when you price right, and the opportunity costs when they're not set correctly.

243: Our 2021 Wins!

What were your wins for 2021? On the last Monday of the year, we review what has happened to us this year. We discuss our biggest moment from each month and what we hope to carry forward into 2022. Reflecting on your wins will help keep you motivated as you move forward into the new year.

150: Standing Up For Your Business

Too often we can become the doormat for our clients as they try and change how we operate our businesses. Today, we discuss a few recent instances of this in our business and what it means to stand up for your business. We share why it’s hard to do that and what it takes to start overcoming them. Natasha answers, “How do I overcome imposter syndrome?”