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485: Creating Client-Centered Services with Hannah Alsup

What does it mean to create a client-centered pet care service? Hannah Alsup, from Three Dog Pet, explores how to incorporate a wide range of services to meet the unique needs of each client. From pet sitting and personal assistance to dog training, Hannah explains how personalized communication and flexible services can empower clients to make informed decisions about their pets. She also touches on the importance of setting boundaries for both clients and staff, while offering tips on integrating mental stimulation and training into pet care routines.

432: Listener Mailbag!

We reached out on social media for your questions, and you responded! On this episode we cover everything asking about client cameras and our long term goals, to getting health insurance and our favorite cartoon pet. Thank you to all who sent in questions! 

290: Creating an Exceptional New Client Experience

Do new client’s enjoy the onboarding experience with you and your business? The benefit of focusing on the details is that existing clients also benefit from any improvements you make. As a business, we should make the experience of interacting with our company as magical as possible. Collin shares a recent experience of having routine lab work run, and how not to handle new clients. Plus, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I hold myself more accountable?”

276: Common Social Media Mistakes

Chances are, you’re probably using social media for your business. How is it working for you? Social media can be overwhelming and feel like it’s actually not getting you any business. While social media has many upsides, we discuss some of the pitfalls and how to avoid them. We also break down six common mistakes to avoid when using social media for your business. Then, Natasha O’Banion, Automated CEO, answers, “How do I make the most out of in-person marketing events?”

265: Finding What Motivates You with Jane Torok

What motivates you? We don’t operate in a vacuum and there are both intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors that influence and drive our decisions. Jane Torok, owner of Paw Prints Pet Services, joins the show to explain how her motivating factors drive her to keep working through tough times. As a one woman show, she also shares how to stay content in your business and be thankful for the opportunity and balance in your life. Jane is also extremely passionate about community in pet care and helps operate the largest Facebook group for dog walkers. She talks about why community is so critical and how to avoid fears of rejection and competition.

229: Fear of Public Speaking

We believe pet sitters and dog walkers have a wealth of knowledge to share and need to be heard! We break down 8 key elements to not just overcoming fears of public speaking, but making sure you rock the next opportunity you have. Natasha answers the question, “How do I go from a fixed to a growth mindset”

209: Implementing Minimalism with Sandra and Paul from “Minimalist Journeys”

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by not only physical clutter, but also perceived obligations and expectations? Minimalism is more than just getting rid of “stuff” and decluttering. It’s a way of getting more connected with your “why” and acting in your values. Paul and Sandra, from Minimalist Journeys, share their journey into minimalism and travel house sitting. They help break down what minimalism is, and isn’t. They also tell stories from nomadic house sitting and how to get better at receiving feedback!

074- Having Tough Conversations with Clients

We break down 10 things to consider when having a hard conversation with a client. Unfortunately, we’ve all been there. Whether it’s a lost pet, a dog that won’t eat, or a service you forgot to render, tough conversations happen in this business. We discuss ways to help make them just a little bit less difficult. Natasha O’Banion is back for another “Ask a Pet Business Coach” segment where she answers the question “What are the basics needed for a successful business?”