All tagged notifications

464: Minimizing Distractions

What grabs your attention? At times, our focus is hijacked by external forces, such as notifications or phone calls, or internal, as we attempt to fill time or divert our thoughts from the task at hand. We discuss the impact of these distractions and share insights into how these constant pings disrupt focus and productivity. We offer strategies to manage and minimize such distractions and highlight the need for strategic time management to improve efficiency and reduce overwhelm.

395: Roundtable: Self-Care

Are you prioritizing self-care? As a business owner, we are often the last to get cared for. The fact is, your business will suffer if you’re not taking care of yourself. Michelle Kline (DogCo Launch), Doug Keeling (Bad to the Bone Pet Care), and Dan Reitman (Dan’s Pet Care) share their journeys and struggles to learn what self-care means to them. Your health, and the health of your business, depend on you operating at your best. To do this, the roundtable encourages us to not numb the struggles and instead seek professional help and healthier ways of dealing with stress. They also walk through what “work-life” balance actually is and how to find your priorities.