All tagged month

407: Bookkeeping Mindset with Anne-Marie Kaden

Are you a numbers person? Whether you’d describe yourself as one or not, you run a business, so understanding your numbers is critical! Some people think it’s too complicated, others may have an emotional block to diving into them, but the fact remains that you will struggle to make sound decisions without drilling into your books. Anne-Marie Kaden, owner of Tiny Paws Pet Sitting & Tiny Paws Book Keeping, joins the show to share her passion for bookkeeping. She walks us through how good record keeping and number crunching helped her own pet sitting business, and why even knowing a little can be game changing for you. Anne-Marie discusses the different accounting methods, how to choose the right one for you, and even some best practices for using accounting software.

300: Listener Questions

We’ve hit 300 episodes! On this episode we talk about why we started the podcast and answer some listener questions! We discuss how to take days off, addressing clients that question your prices, how to meet your money goals, and what to do about a biting puppy. We’ve learned and grown so much for hosting the podcast, so we share our biggest lessons from the last 299 episodes!

270: Knowing Your Numbers

We frequently talk about “knowing your numbers”, but what does that mean? What numbers do you need to know so you can determine if your business is healthy and growing? We discuss the five key financial numbers to know, as well as other areas to dissect to make sure your business is staying on track. From sales to website hits, we take a broad approach to look for red flags so we can make the necessary changes. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I know if my marketing messages are landing?”

243: Our 2021 Wins!

What were your wins for 2021? On the last Monday of the year, we review what has happened to us this year. We discuss our biggest moment from each month and what we hope to carry forward into 2022. Reflecting on your wins will help keep you motivated as you move forward into the new year.