All tagged money

426: Managing the Pet Business Triangle: Time - People - Money

Do you consider yourself a project manager? Running a pet sitting and dog walking company, we face many unique challenges and have to be able to adapt quickly, while keeping everything organized and structured. We take the traditional project management triangle and adapt it to the pet services industry, with the primary focus being on people. Obviously pet care is a number one priority in our businesses, but the people aspect cannot be minimized and should be accounted for when taking on any visit, walk, or extended care.

407: Bookkeeping Mindset with Anne-Marie Kaden

Are you a numbers person? Whether you’d describe yourself as one or not, you run a business, so understanding your numbers is critical! Some people think it’s too complicated, others may have an emotional block to diving into them, but the fact remains that you will struggle to make sound decisions without drilling into your books. Anne-Marie Kaden, owner of Tiny Paws Pet Sitting & Tiny Paws Book Keeping, joins the show to share her passion for bookkeeping. She walks us through how good record keeping and number crunching helped her own pet sitting business, and why even knowing a little can be game changing for you. Anne-Marie discusses the different accounting methods, how to choose the right one for you, and even some best practices for using accounting software.

386: Embracing The Hard Work

Every day we do work that both directly and indirectly makes us money. The dog walks, grooming, pet sitting visits, and training are all pretty straightforward in that when we perform those tasks, we get paid for them. But what about the other work? How do we find the motivation to keep doing it, and doing it well, even when we don’t get paid directly for doing them?

338: The Damage of Undercharging

How can undercharging damage your business? While there are clear benefits of raising your prices, we tend to ignore the damage of undercharging. Undercharging impacts everything from your quality of life, to the perception potential clients have of your business. We break down 5 ways not charging enough can impact you and your business, and give some ways to start changing our mindset around what we charge.

300: Listener Questions

We’ve hit 300 episodes! On this episode we talk about why we started the podcast and answer some listener questions! We discuss how to take days off, addressing clients that question your prices, how to meet your money goals, and what to do about a biting puppy. We’ve learned and grown so much for hosting the podcast, so we share our biggest lessons from the last 299 episodes!

284: 20 Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Pet Business

2020 taught us we shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket, which is why add on products or services are so great. On this episode, we share 20 way to make extra money in your pet business. Keep in mind though, that not every add on is good for every business and there are questions you need to ask before bringing something new into your business. Natasha O’Banion answers the question, “How do I streamline client communication?”

270: Knowing Your Numbers

We frequently talk about “knowing your numbers”, but what does that mean? What numbers do you need to know so you can determine if your business is healthy and growing? We discuss the five key financial numbers to know, as well as other areas to dissect to make sure your business is staying on track. From sales to website hits, we take a broad approach to look for red flags so we can make the necessary changes. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I know if my marketing messages are landing?”

261: F.I.R.E. with Jen Tserng

Jen Tserng joins the show again to discuss how to have an investing mindset and what it means to make saving money fun. From setting budgets to raising prices, taking a wholistic approach to our financial health is really what sets us up for success. Regardless of whether you want to retire in 10 years, or 30, it takes understanding your numbers and financial discipline to execute the plan.

259: INSPIRE with Dom Hodgson

Dom Hodgson, the Pet Biz Wiz, talks about growing your business sustainably through pricing and upselling on additional services. By continuing to focus on the fundamentals of our businesses, we’ll be less likely to make rushed and stressed decisions. Dom also shares what it means to give your clients a premium on-boarding experience and how to increase lock-in of existing clients. Dom has an upcoming live event in March (INSPIRE 2022) that we are taking part in, and would love to see you there!

245: Pricing Mindset

Did you raise your prices starting January 1st? There are often stumbling blocks and fears surrounding charging what you need to in order for your business to survive. We debunk several of those and discuss the importance of doing a personal (and business!) budget so you know exactly how much you need to live the life you want. During this first week of the New Year, re-evaluate what you charge and how you determine that price.

244: Roundtable: Pricing Your Services

How should you set your prices? 💰Because pricing is such a huge topic in the pet care industry, we asked Natasha O'Banion, Doug Keeling, & Dan Reitman to each share their mindset around pricing. With us going into a New Year, right now is the perfect time to step back and assess not only your prices, but also your mindset around charging for your services, and viewing yourself as a business owner. It's so much more than "know your worth". It's about understanding the opportunities available when you price right, and the opportunity costs when they're not set correctly.

237: How To Do a Year End business Review

Where did 2021 go? 💨The year is almost over so it’s time to sit down and reflect on what went right, and what could have gone better. We discuss how to conduct a year end business review. One of the biggest factors is your mindset going into it. We break down the 5 categories you should investigate for your business and how to grow from each of them. Then, pet business coach Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I get started with subscription boxes?”

231: Is it a scam?

Have you ever been scammed? It’s almost 2022, but that doesn’t mean scammers aren’t out there waiting to take advantage of you and your business. We discuss how to know if a request is a scam, common methods they use, and what you can do to avoid them. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to avoid them and avoid loosing any money. Then, Natasha answers, “How do I set better boundaries?”

226: Independent Contractors with Colleen Sedgwick

Can you use an Independent Contractors (IC) in your business? What are the benefits and what are the potential pitfalls? Colleen Sedgwick, Pet Nanny Coach, had ICs for 17 years and shares how to navigate and use them effectively. Colleen talks about being audited and how to be prepared for it. With many sitters looking for ways to fill in scheduling gaps during the busy holiday season, an IC may be what you're looking for, as long as you use them correctly.

225: The Holiday Season

The Holiday Season is upon us! But don't worry, it's NOT too late to get prepared and make sure you set your mental and emotional health as a priority. The holidays are busy, but they don't have to be crushing. Setting up your schedule right now, and communicating your availability are just the first steps to start taking more control for a more enjoyable season. From saying, "NO" to why you may consider taking deposits this year, boundaries are more important than ever. Natasha O'Banion answers the question, "What books are you reading right now?"