All tagged messaging

440: The Last-Minute Rush: Balancing Business and Boundaries in Pet Sitting

Ever wondered how to handle those last-minute pet care requests? We delve into the complexities of accommodating such bookings in the pet care industry, focusing on the implications for scheduling, employee satisfaction, and maintaining client relationships. We also explore the nuanced topic of job sharing, discussing its advantages and challenges, and its impact on client trust and business operations. This episode offers insights on setting boundaries, implementing fees, and tailoring policies to strike a balance between meeting business needs and responding to client demands.

436: Striking the Right Marketing Balance

Have you looked at your marketing lately? Do you have a clear, consistent strategy? On this podcast episode, we discuss the two types of marketing growth strategies and when it’s best to use them. As you move potential clients through your marketing funnel, you deploy both sales activation and brand building techniques. It’s important to find the right balance, otherwise you’ll either have a lot of one-off clients, or never truly convert a potential client. We walk through ways of implementing them in your business and how to measure their success.

332: Marketing Messages That Attract and Repel

What does your marketing say about you? Not only does our messaging need to attract clients, it also needs to repel some as well. By being up-front and honest about who you are and what you do, you’ll have potential clients realize you’re not a good fit before they even contact you. The power of your messaging means you have to be very intentional about what you’re putting out.

278: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Brand

Do you have a strong brand for your pet business? Why should we be concerned about it? Our brand is being built as we operate our business so the process of strengthening our brand is purposefully steering it to better position our business in the market. We share 5 ways to start building a stronger brand today. Plus, Natasha O’Banion with Automated CEO answers, “Should I take business and marketing classes?”