All tagged local

460: Market Research on a Budget

What does it mean to do market research? As a pet business owner, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of what is driving your local economy and purchasing decisions of your ideal clients. Once we understand the ecosystem that our business exists in, we can make well informed and powerful decisions. We break down a simple (and free) process you can use to gain insights into your local community and better understand how to serve your clients.

448: When Word-of-Mouth Isn’t Enough: 20 Ideas to Market Your Business

How is word of mouth marketing working for you? If you’re like many people right now, you’re finding that word of mouth is not quite enough to keep your business growing or maintaining the level you need. Today, we break down 20 marketing ideas to try if you’ve never had to market before. If it’s all a little intimidating, we also discuss 5 things to focus on to get started.

428: Why You Should Join a Chamber of Commerce

Have you thought about joining a chamber of commerce or other local business support group? We had been throwing the idea around for a while and very recently decided to do it! Today, we break down what a chamber of commerce is, some of their benefits, and how we plan on getting the most of out it!

188: How to Make Social Media Work for You

How are you using social media? Meghan breaks down some of the key aspects for making sure your social media is working for you. From having realistic expectations, to setting manageable content strategy, using social media for your business does not have to be overwhelming. As with everything, there is a balance to be had, and understanding why you’re using social media is the first step. It’s not all about the follower count, it’s about having engaged loyal clients and followers. We also share how to balance content across the major platforms, and how to leverage local Facebook groups to your advantage. Natasha O’Banion answers the question on how to less awkward at the meet and greet.

173: Investing in People

Why is it important to invest in the people around us? How does it benefit us? We focus on community not for the benefits that come from it, but from a selfless mindset and motives. We share why investing in your clients helps them connect with, and believe in, your business. We also discuss what it means to grow your community and give them the most value possible in all we do.

145: Building Your Community with Lyndsay Shackelford

Growing community has become increasingly more important over the past year. While it may look different for each of us the principles of connecting with a broader group of people and cultivating relationships remain the same. Lyndsay Shackleford, owner of dogs of charm city, joins The show to talk about what it means to be a community focused business.

144: Marketing in 2021

Finding new clients has always been challenging, even more so this past year. While the challenges have changed, the fundamentals haven’t. We have to identify who our clients are, what problems they need solved, and then tell them about our services. How that looks for each business is different as we each focus on unique clients. Natasha O’Banion answers, “What was your biggest lesson from 2020?”

011- Advertising

Ever wonder where to look for new clients? How do you go about advertising to them? This week on the podcast we share our experiences getting new clients and give ideas that may work for you too!