All tagged language

354: What’s in a Name?

Does it matter what you call your services? The language we use in our businesses is a very powerful tool in both attracting the right clients and repelling the wrong ones. As a business owner, we need to use clear language in everything we do, including what we name our services. We break down some areas of possible confusion, and then suggest ways to overcome those to connect with your clients.

332: Marketing Messages That Attract and Repel

What does your marketing say about you? Not only does our messaging need to attract clients, it also needs to repel some as well. By being up-front and honest about who you are and what you do, you’ll have potential clients realize you’re not a good fit before they even contact you. The power of your messaging means you have to be very intentional about what you’re putting out.

306: You Need to Stop Apologizing

While saying “I’m sorry” can come from many good places, often it’s driven by personal fears and anxieties. Apologizing when it’s not actually your fault damages your authority and trustworthiness with your clients. Today, we share why over apologizing becomes an unconscious habit and to start working towards healthier ways of communicating with clients and people in our lives.

264: Writing Copy That Works

What is copy writing for your business and what makes it work to get clients? Copy writing is more than just ad copy, as it includes all of the written materials you create. Producing consistent copy that works isn’t easy, so in this episode, we discuss how to attract clients through your messages. From using familiar language, to being crystal clear, a little planning (and maybe some help!) will ensure you build trust and authority. Then, Natasha answers, “What is a good reset for my personal and business life?”

254: Beyond Training with Garrett Stevens

Do you speak dog? Garrett Stevens has spent his life trying to understand what the animals around him are saying. Garrett owns Stevens Family Kennels and Dog Language Center, and questions everything when it comes to dog training and behavior. The use of touch is extremely important in a dog’s control of their environment and gives us clues as to what they need. Garrett gives advice on assessing whether a dog is mature and how to foster a better relationship with them. Your clients are looking for family members, not robots, which means we get to help them find balance.

217: The Power of Words

Sometimes, words are hard. They hold immense power and can make or break relationships. We discuss how to harness those positive words and phrases to propel your pet business into clearly communicating what you want. We also talk about the role of words in how we perceive ourselves and overcome hard times. Then, pet business coach Natasha O’Banion talks about the fear of staff stealing clients.