All tagged eat

233: Eating Well as a Busy Pet Sitter

How do you plan your meals throughout the week? What makes a good snack for a busy dog walker and pet sitter? It’s not easy and is unique for everyone. We sent out a survey to other pet sitters to get a better idea of what others have experienced. Our businesses run on our bodies. So, we should seriously consider what we’re putting into it. For preparing the night before, to staying hydrated, there are simple things to get on a better track. We share some of the biggest struggles to planning meals, how to overcome them, and hacks to being more consistent. Then, Natasha shares her best piece of business advice.

121: Preparing for the Holidays

This year’s holiday season is likely going to look very different! On this episode we discuss how to market to that difference, gifts, and safety concerns around holiday food and decorations. Natasha O’Banion answers what to do if you’ve made a mistake!

119: Back to Basics- Boarding

On today’s episode we go back to basics and cover boarding! We break down how we operate boarding a small number of dogs in our home, how we approach cleaning and up keep, as well as dealing with the chaos of feeding times and schedules. Natasha answers the question, “How do I take my business to the next level?”

082- Cat Care for Pet Sitters with Dr. Kathryn Primm

Dr. Kathryn Primm, owner of Applebrook Animal Hospital and host of multiple podcasts and radio shows, joins us for a show packed with amazing advice for those of us who don’t have a lot of experience caring for cats. She shares the importance of fear free in animal care and how to bond with those really shy cat clients.