All tagged distractions

464: Minimizing Distractions

What grabs your attention? At times, our focus is hijacked by external forces, such as notifications or phone calls, or internal, as we attempt to fill time or divert our thoughts from the task at hand. We discuss the impact of these distractions and share insights into how these constant pings disrupt focus and productivity. We offer strategies to manage and minimize such distractions and highlight the need for strategic time management to improve efficiency and reduce overwhelm.

262: You Should Attend a Conference

Have you attended a pet sitting conference? We just went to our first in-person conference, the Texas Pet Sitters Conference. Attending, especially in person, brings a ton of benefits, if you’ve prepared and are ready to take advantage of them. We share our experience and why we think you should go to one too! Plus, Natasha answers, “How do I make my life about more than my business?”