All tagged run

467: Saying Yes for Success, and No for Sanity with Liz Raitman

What are you saying ‘No’ to? For many, saying ‘No’ is almost unthinkable; we have to service the client, right? Liz Raitman, owner of Dogs Next Best Friend, joins the show to share how a love of hiking and running turned into a full-time dog walking company. By learning to say ‘No’ more, Liz talks about how she’s learned from past mistakes to run a company that fits her better. Liz also gives her perspective on why we should hold customer appreciation in such high regard.

465: Building a Team Structure with Anna Rickert

How do you envision your business in the future? If building a team and having employees are on that list, you need to carefully consider your team's structure. Creating a team involves ensuring each person is in the right role, equipped with clear directions to accomplish their tasks. Anna Rickert, the owner of Pup Culture Dog Walking and Pet Sitting, joins us to share her strategies for developing a robust business structure. Aiming for her business to operate independently of her presence, Anna discusses the importance of having a balanced mix of services and a team that excels in delivering them.

422: A Pet Loss Memorial Service For You

Do you give yourself time to grieve when a client’s pet,  or your own pet, passes away? As busy business owners, we rarely take time to ourselves, and often use our business to bury the emotions and feelings. Clients do the same, and often need prompting and encouragement to mourn their pet. Today, we reflect on our recent pet loss memorial events and what we included. We also invite you to participate in a memorial service just for you.

386: Embracing The Hard Work

Every day we do work that both directly and indirectly makes us money. The dog walks, grooming, pet sitting visits, and training are all pretty straightforward in that when we perform those tasks, we get paid for them. But what about the other work? How do we find the motivation to keep doing it, and doing it well, even when we don’t get paid directly for doing them?

378: Are You Committed to Your Business?

What does it mean to be committed to your business? It means fully dedicating yourself to the success and growth, but it also  involves a combination of personal investment, professional investment, and planning to ensure your business thrives. By fully committing to your business, you demonstrate your belief in its potential and lay the foundation for lasting success. We break down the key areas to commit to and how your goals and values drive everything.

352: Carrying Mental Burdens in Business

How is your mental health doing? It’s a new year, so it’s a great time to assess how you are doing. With so much anticipation for 2023, hopes remain high for booming business. However, busy business doesn’t mean a happy heart. Life happens, which impacts you and your ability to run your business. We break down a recent poll we ran, what it says about the state of the industry, and how we can move forward!

331: Strengths of Solo Pet Sitting with Alicia Obando

Alicia Obando, owner of Pitter Patter Parenting, joins the show to share why she has stayed unapologetically solo. She walks us through how she markets herself effectively and how she’s set her policies to support being a solo sitter. Living in a society that says we need to always go bigger and “better”, Alicia pushes back by changing her mindset about the kind of services she offers.

312: What’s the Deal with Workers Comp?

Running a business means managing risk! We look for health insurance, liability insurance, and auto insurance, but what covers work related injuries? While the exact coverage and requirements are different for each state, workers compensation has some fundamentals everyone should know. We break down 5 of the most common questions we see about workers compensation. Plus, business coach Natasha answers, ”How do I get better at implementing my plans, instead of just thinking about them?”

273: Finding Hope in Pet Care with Abagail Giordano

Abagail Girordano was given hope when she started as a dog walker for a company, but several years later found herself taking over ownership of it. She now runs Pack Pals NY and talks about her experience of growing into a management role and what it means to see change in yourself, without losing yourself. She shares what it means to fight for legitimacy in pet care and why we need to set appropriate boundaries. She gives advice on how our businesses can help others, instead of only thinking about what they do for us.

230: Opening an E-Commerce Store with Jenna Gotch

Are you interested in opening an e-commerce store? In 2021, it's easier than ever and provides many benefits beyond another stream of income. Jenna Gotch, owner of Passionately Pets, shares what led her to launch her online store and what it's meant to her and her staff. She shares what it's like getting the items to sell, stocking them on site, and how she still can't believe people buy from her. She made a big decision to avoid drop shipping to maintain more control over the process and why branding at each stage of the process was so important to her. We also discuss recent staffing struggles, how she's overcoming them, and how she balances the desire to grow with the reality of slow hires.

210: Coming Together

More and more people are entering the pet care space. At a time when many uncertainties plague the industry, we’re facing questions and challenges. To overcome these, and help the industry stay around for a long time, we need to be reaching out and building everyone up. There is no reason to tear others down simply because they do things differently. We should be inviting, mentoring, and educating. We share our thoughts on the importance of organizing and self-regulating, and why building community is crucial. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do you deal with all the phone calls?”

208: What is Shaping Client Expectations

We all recognize that client expectations are changing. It’s not just a generational thing, though that does play into it. New clients are finding they need a pet sitter more and more, and they’re bringing a new set of expectations and learned experiences. Where do these expectations come from? We play a new commercial that hints at where new clients are headed, and the broader impact it will have on the pet sitting community. We share our thoughts on how to overcome unhealthy expectations and have a better balance with your boundaries.

161: Franchising with Carmen Chávez de Hesse

Have you thought about franchising your pet care business? Carmen Chávez de Hesse, owner of Slinky Cat at Home, shares her experience of franchising and what we need to consider, from legal and financial obligations, to the management of a franchise. We also discuss the growth in cat care across the pet sitting industry and how she plans to leave a legacy business for her daughter.

148: The Extra Mile

Going the extra mile means something different to everyone. From making clients happy, to settings ourselves apart, going above and beyond can meet various goals in our business. We discuss ways to go the extra mile while maintaining healthy relationships. On the Ask a Pet Biz Coach segment, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I set my pricing if I’m looking to hire?”

127: Tax Talk with Mike Jesowshek

This year has had a lot of things to distract us and keep us busy. However, tax time is right around the corner and there are many things we should be doing before the end of the year. Mike Jesowshek, owner of JETRO and Associates, discusses the three things every business should be doing right now and how EIDL and PPP loans impact our taxes.

102- Staying Content

This episode is about being content and knowing why we do what we do. In business, we can get pushed by outside influences to do things we may not want to. Staying grounded and aligned with our business mission and purpose takes practice, but will help us feel content in our business and personal life. Natasha answers, “How do I refresh my business?”

098- Self-Care

On today's episode, we discuss our self-care routines and feelings toward the idea of self-care. This episode is just as much for us as anyone because we don't have this figured out either! We talk through some tools and self-care methods. On our Ask a Pet Biz Coach segment, Natasha answers the question, “Should I even bother starting a pet care business in 2020?”