All tagged review

450: You Need a Task Manager: Tracking Stuff in Your Biz

How do you stay organized in your business? The options are pretty limitless. Everything from post-it notes, to reminder apps on your phones, or even just trying to remember things yourself. However, what if you find those just aren’t working? Today, we break down how using a task manager can help you be more productive, tackle bigger projects, and stop worrying you’ve forgotten something!

444: Stress Testing Your Business, How to Learn From the Busy Times

How did your business hold up during the recent busy period? If you found yourself pulling your hair out, with multiple things falling through the cracks and your systems breaking, you’re not alone! Stress testing your business comes in the form of tackling more visits than you typically do. It allows us to see where our existing systems and policies fall down so we improve for next time! We break down 4 areas that commonly buckle under heavy business, questions to ask yourself to assess how you did, and ways to improve before the next busy time!

423: Building Trust with Clients from the Start with Kimberly Layman

Are you running the business you thought you’d be? Kimberly Layman, owner of Kimberly's Kritter Care, shares the process of refocusing her company to better align with her passions after experiencing burnout early on in the pandemic. She outlines her personalized onboarding strategy of phone calls and in-person meetings to set clients at ease. In addition, Kimberly explains how she structures clear expectations around communication preferences upfront to avoid issues down the road. She also details her strategic approach to obtaining reviews through timely and specific follow-up requests.

402: Planning the Perfect Visit

How do you plan your visits? While not every visit is the most complicated, every detail still matters. To ensure you don’t miss a thing, and that the client’s expectations are met, preparation is key! We break down the 5 big buckets of information you need from each client. We then walk through the process of turning that information into a well organized (and time budgeted) visit!

387: Good Will is Good PR with Remy Bibaud

What does having good PR mean to you? Many times we use customer relations and public relations interchangeably, but this is limiting our ability to have a wider impact in our community. Remy Bibaud, co-owner of Pet Perennials, joins the show to share how to foster public relations and use it to your advantage. Remy walks through the major points of cultivating high quality experiences with your business, and the role you play in guiding that. She also shares how she stays ahead of understanding her client’s needs.

377: Keeping a Business Owner Mindset with Maria Teran

Where do you go for new ideas and adapt to changing business landscapes? The ability to create and seek out new ways of thinking is a super power. As a business owner, it’s critical to staying successful and relevant to your clients. Maria Teran, owner of Chicawoof Dog Walking and Field Days, joins us for a conversation centered around how to seek out feedback and then make necessary changes. Maria walks through her two powerful tools for getting feedback, and why you have to leave emotion out of it. She also shares what it means to stay creative as a business owner and the importance of continually exposing ourselves to novel ideas. Throughout the process of changing and adapting, Maria stresses how to stay connected with your mission so you stay true to yourself.

376: Task Management for the Pet Professional

Do you feel like there’s too many things to get done in a day? Running a business means there is never a shortage of tasks demanding our time and attention. As pet professionals, our schedules are even more hectic, making managing tasks all that much more difficult. We break down the Getting Things Done system and how to apply it to your business. From capturing everything to regular reviews, once you get a system in place, your mind is freed up to do what it does best: create.

270: Knowing Your Numbers

We frequently talk about “knowing your numbers”, but what does that mean? What numbers do you need to know so you can determine if your business is healthy and growing? We discuss the five key financial numbers to know, as well as other areas to dissect to make sure your business is staying on track. From sales to website hits, we take a broad approach to look for red flags so we can make the necessary changes. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I know if my marketing messages are landing?”

257: Onboarding and Training Staff

It’s now time for you to bring your new hire into your company and help them feel like they belong. You need them to feel valued and part of your company, which takes time and intentionality on your part. Onboarding and training staff can feel daunting, but planning out the first six months to one year for them will help you make sure they’re on track and you don’t miss anything that will leave them hanging. Then, Natasha answers, “How do I become a better manager?”

237: How To Do a Year End business Review

Where did 2021 go? 💨The year is almost over so it’s time to sit down and reflect on what went right, and what could have gone better. We discuss how to conduct a year end business review. One of the biggest factors is your mindset going into it. We break down the 5 categories you should investigate for your business and how to grow from each of them. Then, pet business coach Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I get started with subscription boxes?”

209: Implementing Minimalism with Sandra and Paul from “Minimalist Journeys”

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by not only physical clutter, but also perceived obligations and expectations? Minimalism is more than just getting rid of “stuff” and decluttering. It’s a way of getting more connected with your “why” and acting in your values. Paul and Sandra, from Minimalist Journeys, share their journey into minimalism and travel house sitting. They help break down what minimalism is, and isn’t. They also tell stories from nomadic house sitting and how to get better at receiving feedback!

190: Un-Marketing Your Business

Where should we invest our time as business owners? Traditional thinking would say to make sure to carve out plenty of time for marketing your services. What if we focused on other things and put relationships first? What would that look like in our business? We break down what the idea of Un-Marketing is and ways to start changing our mindsets towards placing more importance on relationships than ads. From the technology we use, to how we post on social media, there are ways to respect our clients and build their trust without ever running a single ad. Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I handle a negative review?”

144: Marketing in 2021

Finding new clients has always been challenging, even more so this past year. While the challenges have changed, the fundamentals haven’t. We have to identify who our clients are, what problems they need solved, and then tell them about our services. How that looks for each business is different as we each focus on unique clients. Natasha O’Banion answers, “What was your biggest lesson from 2020?”

083- Customer Reviews

On today’s episode we talk all about reviews! If you’re in business long enough, you’re bound to get a bad one. How do you handle that kind of feedback and how do you even define what a bad review is? We discuss all of that and more. Plus, on this week’s “Ask a Pet Biz Coach” segment with Natasha O’Banion, she answers the question, “How do you hire people, while still making money for yourself and how do you hire the right people.”

074- Having Tough Conversations with Clients

We break down 10 things to consider when having a hard conversation with a client. Unfortunately, we’ve all been there. Whether it’s a lost pet, a dog that won’t eat, or a service you forgot to render, tough conversations happen in this business. We discuss ways to help make them just a little bit less difficult. Natasha O’Banion is back for another “Ask a Pet Business Coach” segment where she answers the question “What are the basics needed for a successful business?”