All tagged questions

423: Building Trust with Clients from the Start with Kimberly Layman

Are you running the business you thought you’d be? Kimberly Layman, owner of Kimberly's Kritter Care, shares the process of refocusing her company to better align with her passions after experiencing burnout early on in the pandemic. She outlines her personalized onboarding strategy of phone calls and in-person meetings to set clients at ease. In addition, Kimberly explains how she structures clear expectations around communication preferences upfront to avoid issues down the road. She also details her strategic approach to obtaining reviews through timely and specific follow-up requests.

403: Business Exit Planning with Joshua Winterswyk

Do you have an exit plan from your business? While it may feel like you’ll be working for the rest of your life, you will stop working eventually. Having an exit plan means taking the time to step out of your business in some way. Joshua Winterswyk, Certified Financial Planner with RPA Wealth Management, shares the strategies for exiting your business well. Josh walks through the various options you have as the business owner. He also discusses why you should build a strong team to guide you through the process.

388: AI Deep Dive For Your Business

What can AI do for you and your business? Even though we're still in the early days of AI development, many practical and powerful applications are already available for use. We'll outline five ways we're integrating AI into our business operations to regain time and streamline our processes. From creating images to drafting policies, AI has the potential to enhance many aspects of the businesses we run.

380: The Pet Business Owner Toolbox

What tools does it take to build a business? As the business owner, you need to be equipped with the right tools to grow and run a successful business. We break down 10 tools we think every pet business owner should have in their tool box, and why they help you run a better business. Everything from organization and policies, to mindsets and personal development are needed, but you get to decide how they’re implemented for you. The best tools are the ones you know how to use and fit how you work.

379: Building Resiliency with Abagail Giordano

What does resiliency look like in your business? Abagail Giordano, owner of Pack Pals NY, discusses how she is building her business through policies, procedures, and retaining the right staff and clients. She explains how it's important to create a sustainable and happy environment. Abagail also suggests to make decisions backwards and start with what’s best for you first. As she prepares for the birth of her child, she shares why making changes to your business is scary, but also necessary, to keep it resilient and relevant for the future.

377: Keeping a Business Owner Mindset with Maria Teran

Where do you go for new ideas and adapt to changing business landscapes? The ability to create and seek out new ways of thinking is a super power. As a business owner, it’s critical to staying successful and relevant to your clients. Maria Teran, owner of Chicawoof Dog Walking and Field Days, joins us for a conversation centered around how to seek out feedback and then make necessary changes. Maria walks through her two powerful tools for getting feedback, and why you have to leave emotion out of it. She also shares what it means to stay creative as a business owner and the importance of continually exposing ourselves to novel ideas. Throughout the process of changing and adapting, Maria stresses how to stay connected with your mission so you stay true to yourself.

368: Conferences and Professional Pet Sitters Week

March started with a bang! Spring conference season just wrapped up and Professional Pet Sitters week concluded as well. We share our experiences attending the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters conference. We talk through what to consider when determining if you should go to a conference or not. We also give an overview of Professional Pet Sitters week, and why customer service is central to what we do.

356: Using A.I. in Your Business

Are you using A.I. in your business? Artificial Intelligence is a growing area of research and development. A.I. can seem overwhelming, but holds many promising tools to give clients more peace of mind. We break down what A.I. is and how it can help your business. We give examples of existing programs and also how we’re currently implementing it in our own business.

351: Mentoring Your Team with Cassidy LaMair

Just as we work to educate clients, when we bring on staff, it’s our role to educate and mentor them in the career of pet care. Cassidy LeMair, owner of Cassidys Custom Pet Services, shares how she builds lasting relationships and partnerships with both staff and clients through her open and straightforward style. Cassidy details how she creates consistent customizable services and gives her insights into how she learns from her mistakes.

321: Meeting Pet Parent Needs with Eleanor Oates

What are you willing to do to make your business run exactly how you want? Eleanor Oates, owner of Sitter4Pets, went as far as developing her own software to run her business. Eleanor shares how her corporate background helped her get off the ground in pet care and the importance of time management. After a car accident left her out of work for 7 years, she decided to do something new. She shares how she moved through those dark times and shares have she uses videos to connect with clients.

318: One Year Hiring Retrospective

It’s been one year since we started hiring in our business! A lot has changed in our company since then so we discuss what we’ve learned. We share the importance of trying new things, leaning on your strengths, and what it looks like to grow company culture. Then, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I scale as a solo sitter?”

312: What’s the Deal with Workers Comp?

Running a business means managing risk! We look for health insurance, liability insurance, and auto insurance, but what covers work related injuries? While the exact coverage and requirements are different for each state, workers compensation has some fundamentals everyone should know. We break down 5 of the most common questions we see about workers compensation. Plus, business coach Natasha answers, ”How do I get better at implementing my plans, instead of just thinking about them?”

299: The Key to Great Communication with Chrissy Neumyer Smith

Are you great at communicating with your clients? Chrissy Neumyer Smith, host of the Creating Great Grooming Dogs podcast, sheds light on what it takes to ask great questions of our clients. Chrissy explains the importance of using the right words and definitions for clear communication so we can give the right care. She also gives us the four questions we should ask everyone before we start services with them, and how it's ok to assume the dog may have issues that need to be addressed. Chrissy shares the relationship between behavior issues in dogs and burnout in the pet care industry, and what we can do about it!

298: How to Answer Client Questions

How do you handle answering questions from clients? As a business owner, we field hundreds of questions every week about our business. From policies and procedures, to situation specific details, we never know what the next question will be. Today, we discuss 5 things it takes to answer questions well and to make your client’s feel like they’re valued and heard. Natasha O’Banion, from Automated CEO, answers, “What does building client loyalty look like?”

296: 5 Best Practices for Surveying Your Clients

Have you surveyed your client’s recently? With the economic turmoil we’re facing, it’s important to stay on top of how your business is doing. We don’t have to ever assume why a client continues to use us, we can ask! The power of client surveys is that they give you direct insight into the thinking of your clients. We give you five things you must do to get the most out of your surveys.

290: Creating an Exceptional New Client Experience

Do new client’s enjoy the onboarding experience with you and your business? The benefit of focusing on the details is that existing clients also benefit from any improvements you make. As a business, we should make the experience of interacting with our company as magical as possible. Collin shares a recent experience of having routine lab work run, and how not to handle new clients. Plus, Natasha O’Banion answers, “How do I hold myself more accountable?”

262: You Should Attend a Conference

Have you attended a pet sitting conference? We just went to our first in-person conference, the Texas Pet Sitters Conference. Attending, especially in person, brings a ton of benefits, if you’ve prepared and are ready to take advantage of them. We share our experience and why we think you should go to one too! Plus, Natasha answers, “How do I make my life about more than my business?”

260: Reflecting on Hiring

So, after everything we have learned and experienced through hiring, what are our major takeaways? We discuss it in this episode. Hiring has certainly been a major growth opportunity for the business as well as our personal mindsets. We share some of our mistakes, lessons learned, and how we can do better next time. Natasha answers, “I’m solo, do I need to care about company culture?”

257: Onboarding and Training Staff

It’s now time for you to bring your new hire into your company and help them feel like they belong. You need them to feel valued and part of your company, which takes time and intentionality on your part. Onboarding and training staff can feel daunting, but planning out the first six months to one year for them will help you make sure they’re on track and you don’t miss anything that will leave them hanging. Then, Natasha answers, “How do I become a better manager?”